Well, I'm currently in 10th grade. I've taken a few lessons at my local FBO at John Wayne Airport, and hoping to get my PPL before high school ends.
Now to save time, I'm planning on going to a four year university right out of high school rather than a JC, and while in college to get my ratings all the way to CPL, Multi, CFII + Multi.
Now, here's the problem, I want to go to college out of state, so my tuition is going to be out of this world, so I'm planning on getting an in-state residence after 1 or 2 years, and living off campus, holding a job, and trying to like I said get all my ratings. HOW? Money is going to be an obvious problem, living hundreds of miles away from home, and trying to get my degree.
So if in fact I do pull this off, how hard will it be to hold a CFI job while in college? During the summer and such?
It all really scares me because I have no idea how I can get this all done.
So please if you have any advice, ANY AT ALL, please let me know, as I'm already pulling my hair trying to get loans, grants, finances, money, flying all figured out.
Thanks for any help,
Now to save time, I'm planning on going to a four year university right out of high school rather than a JC, and while in college to get my ratings all the way to CPL, Multi, CFII + Multi.
Now, here's the problem, I want to go to college out of state, so my tuition is going to be out of this world, so I'm planning on getting an in-state residence after 1 or 2 years, and living off campus, holding a job, and trying to like I said get all my ratings. HOW? Money is going to be an obvious problem, living hundreds of miles away from home, and trying to get my degree.
So if in fact I do pull this off, how hard will it be to hold a CFI job while in college? During the summer and such?
It all really scares me because I have no idea how I can get this all done.
So please if you have any advice, ANY AT ALL, please let me know, as I'm already pulling my hair trying to get loans, grants, finances, money, flying all figured out.
Thanks for any help,