Need Help


I'm doing a brief on Thursday and I need to find a specific picture:

There's a dry spot in the shape of an F-22 where the aircraft used to be, but has since been moved. Airstairs are pulled up to the appropriate position and a pilot is on the stairs as if he's stepping into the 'invisible' F-22.

Please provide a link if you can find it.

Muchas gracias.

i'm doing a brief on thursday and i need to find a specific picture:

There's a dry spot in the shape of an f-22 where the aircraft used to be, but has since been moved. Airstairs are pulled up to the appropriate position and a pilot is on the stairs as if he's stepping into the 'invisible' f-22.

Please provide a link if you can find it.

Muchas gracias.

holy crap ot! Figure it out! You're going to be a lieutenant soon!!!
I can't view those links due to government filters. Any others?


In the mean time, I'll work on finding someone with an internet card.
I can't view those links due to government filters. Any others?


In the mean time, I'll work on finding someone with an internet card.

Dude are you serious? Didn't I tell you to bring a computer there? And don't you have any friends that have one? And most importantly, why are you spending more than ~10 minutes on your briefing?
My final point is going to have that picture: "This pilot thought he was going to fly an F-22. The original plan was to buy 750, but now the Air Force is slated to get 183. Whoops!"
Actually, it'd be better if you stated that since the F-22 fleet is shrinking, this pilot here is slated for UAVs.