My first flight - intro flight


Well-Known Member
good afternoon, I took my first ever flight on C172 after using MSFS about 2 years. We took of at local airport( 35D). I was scared a little at first. I settled down quickly. My instructors let me do takeoff , straight and level flight, turns, pattern and landing. My instructor kept saying this to me - "you nail the altitude and hdg right on the money." The only problem is taxiing the plane. Had a little hard time to control the plane on the ground.

happy flying

Man, why didn't they let me take off.. or even line the plane up on the runway...

All you people are lucky, anyway, glad you liked it (you did, right?

I need to do another 'discovery flight' where I'm not jipped... Well, they probably figured since I was 13 (5 years ago) that was just some immature little brat or something..
Well, they probably figured since I was 13 (5 years ago) that was just some immature little brat or something..

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Yep, that about sums up the way I view 13 year olds when they come in for intros.

I do however, let any intro. do as much of the flight as possible and safe.
Yeah.. but I was a mature 13 year old.. a hell of a lot more than I am now

I can understand it though, I'd be the same way..
On my intro flight, they let me do EVERYTHING, that's the reason I've started flying now.1.
I took an intro flight a while back, all I got to do was a pre-flight and some turns. I had my hands on the yoke for about 15 minutes altogether and it cost me $95. Either I got ripped off, or the guy realized I was a boob and he wanted to live.
I would say, sadly, you got ripped off. I take plenty of "boobs" on intro. flights, and like I said...I let them do as much as possible- including having hands lightly on the controls during takeoff and landing...and ours are only $49 for a 30 min. flight!
Well, hell. Maybe I should take a trip to Ohio and see what flying might actually be like. On the other hand, one look at me and you'd be wondering if your will was up to date.
good afternoon, I took my first ever flight on C172 after using MSFS about 2 years. We took of at local airport( 35D). I was scared a little at first. I settled down quickly. My instructors let me do takeoff , straight and level flight, turns, pattern and landing. My instructor kept saying this to me - "you nail the altitude and hdg right on the money." The only problem is taxiing the plane. Had a little hard time to control the plane on the ground.

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DAM. I didnt know they let you Take off and land the airplane. Now that is what I call FREEDOM.

I have yet to experience my first in-control flight
I'm gonna do another intro soon and see if I can take few lessons without 'signing up' so to say...

I'd like to get just 2-3 hours before I go to ATP... Just to make sure I still love it.. ah. that's just an excuse.
Well, hell. Maybe I should take a trip to Ohio and see what flying might actually be like. On the other hand, one look at me and you'd be wondering if your will was up to date.

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Nah, I don't even have a will- after all, its not like I have anything to give. Apparently FAA certificates are non-transferable...