Today I took a discovery flight out at Air Reldan (FBO) in New Orleans (knew) in a Cessna 172. It was the most thurough discovery flight I have ever been on. The instructor let me do everyhting from engine start to engine shutdown. The only thing I didn't get to do was talk on the radio. Everything went smoothe. We did coordinated turns, climbs, descents, he showed me some things with the throttle, then he told me, I would be landing this bird. That's when I got a little nervous and I started gripping the hell out of the yoke. On final everything was cool right until we touched down. He explained to me what a flare was and I attempted to do it. As we were over the runway the instructor was saying hold your flare, hold your flare.......And I did......But that damn thing was falling like a brick! We hit the ground rather hard(i thought), but the instructor said he had seen far worse. Has this happened to anyone, and what advice do you guys have for me. Also my takeoff roll was BRUTAL. I was all over the runway. I found myself over-correcting the aircraft on the takeoff roll. All in all I had fun and in the next week or so I'm going to sign up for some lessons so I can start flying. 1.