More Eagle Displacements

It's still the Holiday Inn in LBB, gotta love $2 margaritas at Jalisco's. $1 pints at the TGI Friday's in AMA. We lose those on the ATR but we pick up CRP and SHV! I'm so bidding for those 18hr CRP overnights.
Do you get points at the holiday inn there? I love staying at holiday inns, I got so many points I'm going to go to Hawaii for free in about 6 months.
There was an HI6 a while ago about the new LBB hotel. I have found very few hotels that give points. The LIT long hotel will every now and then. Haven't found any others.
I hate when they won't give points. :(
Usually places like that take the airline's business for granted and don't provide very good service.
They usually treat us like dirt because Eagle often forgets to pay them.

We just got booted out of our HSV hotel for that. It was great on a short overnight, too. Walk through the TSA checkpoint, and there's the hotel. Not anymore.
I only stayed at HSV once. It was an 18 hour overnight which would be great...but being stuck at the airport for 18 hours with overpriced hotel thanks.
I only stayed at HSV once. It was an 18 hour overnight which would be great...but being stuck at the airport for 18 hours with overpriced hotel thanks.


holy crap I just figured out who you are! I was doing the CRJ course just as you were coming in to sat in on a couple sessions. Hah, small world.


(sorry 'bout any thread derailment)
So the word is in from the company on the recent displacement/bid cancellation.

Company Response: The word from Crew Resources is, The March Vacancy/Displacement bid would have put crews in place for increased ATR flying hours that did not materialize.
I only stayed at HSV once. It was an 18 hour overnight which would be great...but being stuck at the airport for 18 hours with overpriced hotel thanks.

Yeah, McAlister's gets old after about the second time. :)

As for being paid on time....well, the company transitioned to an in-house payroll back in January. I don't think we've had a pay period yet they didn't screw something up. Other than getting short changed on an hour or four, I hadn't had any problems for nearly 3 years. Company takes over.....different story. I'd imagine any cost savings they had by switching in-house has been erased since they've had to re-do so much.
As for being paid on time....well, the company transitioned to an in-house payroll back in January. I don't think we've had a pay period yet they didn't screw something up. Other than getting short changed on an hour or four, I hadn't had any problems for nearly 3 years. Company takes over.....different story. I'd imagine any cost savings they had by switching in-house has been erased since they've had to re-do so much.

just to clarify, you are talking about Pinnacle right?