More Eagle Displacements


Well-Known Member
It sure will be nice when this crap ends.

Man I feel bad for the guys who keep getting shuffled around all over the place.. ORD EMJ> ORD CRJ> JFK EMJ> MIA ATR> SJU ATR. That sucks to be shuffled all over then finally just kicked out of the country and sent to San Juan. :buck:

On the bright side at least no Captain displacements this time around.. some Captain seats were gotten back and no furloughs to date.
Just heard today that an Embraer Capt. has been displaced to CRJ FO in DFW. So...I go down one more number.

It's all good. We have a job, bro. Let's be thankful for that.
Just heard today that an Embraer Capt. has been displaced to CRJ FO in DFW. So...I go down one more number.

It's all good. We have a job, bro. Let's be thankful for that.

yeah at least no furloughs I suppose, I think I moved backwards about 20 spots in ORD since this all started. Mostly Boston Commuters though so they don't bid the 2 day trips i like anyway luckily.
Just heard today that an Embraer Capt. has been displaced to CRJ FO in DFW. So...I go down one more number.

It's all good. We have a job, bro. Let's be thankful for that.

These days? Holy cow. Yup. I'm one of the few in my cul de sac that's got a job.


And I'm in the airline business.
It sure will be nice when this crap ends.

Man I feel bad for the guys who keep getting shuffled around all over the place.. ORD EMJ> ORD CRJ> JFK EMJ> MIA ATR> SJU ATR. That sucks to be shuffled all over then finally just kicked out of the country and sent to San Juan. :buck:

On the bright side at least no Captain displacements this time around.. some Captain seats were gotten back and no furloughs to date.

This statement has one glaring deficiency-

San Juan's in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico's a U.S. Territory.

Nobody has yet to be kicked from the country.

You, however, have failed geography AND political science. :p
I knew someone would say that...

I know very well Its technically a US territory, I have spent a LOT of time down there. Thats where I learned to surf from the ATR guys.. well, sort of lol. I was being sarcastic... as in it feels like your banished from the country because you are way off the mainland and out in the middle of nowhere completely isolated from the rest of the company.;)

Go down there and tell me you even remotely feel like your part of the U.S.A... It sure doesn't feel like it to me.. habla englais? :p
is SJU really that bad? I mean the cost of living would be pretty cheap (I'm guessing) and life on the beach would be awesome.
is SJU really that bad? I mean the cost of living would be pretty cheap (I'm guessing) and life on the beach would be awesome.

Its OK "short term" if your single and don't have a family.

The biggest problem is the schedules are absolutely terrible now. No more long overnights to enjoy anything.. its all reduced rest garbage. 8-10 hours between flights.. so that translates into like 5-7 hours sleep if your lucky. Sure isn't enough time to go out and hang out on the beach at an overnight. The ATR feels like a sauna down there.. the moment you step into it you're drenched in sweat.

All my friends liked it somewhat and enjoyed the beach but they ALL jumped at the FIRST opportunity to get the heck out of there.

It's not cheap really because you really need to stay in the touristy areas to be safe, so those areas are obviously overpriced a ton to take advantage of tourism... it definitely isn't very safe if you venture out of your touristy areas in SJU or any of the other destinations. I felt like I was in a 3rd world country war zone after a bombing in some of those places.
There is "some" advantages to being based there though... but I'd say it's preferrable to just have friends based there so you can jumpseat down and crash on their couch every weekend... not that I would know anything about that.. ;)

this was in PUJ, Dominican.. some of the best beaches and clearest water in the world in my opinion.


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Man, I'd have loved to do SJU back when I was at Amflight! Oh well, situations dictated otherwise.

So... how do you guys downgrade / displace without furloughing the guys at the bottom?
They have just been keeping everyone on luckily.. there is a crapload of reserves in some bases though.. most of the displacements now are just the reserve guys being shuffled around.

With the recent Boston closure and all the displacements /downgrades.. some people are just quitting..which helps with the attrition rate.. We also had some early retirements, and a bunch of Voluntary Leave of Absenses awarded late in the Fall.

We also have Part time and Zero Time lines now which help a lot I assume.

The Union worked with the company to try and do whatever possible to not have to furlough and it seems to have worked.
Its OK "short term" if your single and don't have a family.

The biggest problem is the schedules are absolutely terrible now. No more long overnights to enjoy anything.. its all reduced rest garbage. 8-10 hours between flights.. so that translates into like 5-7 hours sleep if your lucky. Sure isn't enough time to go out and hang out on the beach at an overnight. The ATR feels like a sauna down there.. the moment you step into it you're drenched in sweat.

All my friends liked it somewhat and enjoyed the beach but they ALL jumped at the FIRST opportunity to get the heck out of there.

It's not cheap really because you really need to stay in the touristy areas to be safe, so those areas are obviously overpriced a ton to take advantage of tourism... it definitely isn't very safe if you venture out of your touristy areas in SJU or any of the other destinations. I felt like I was in a 3rd world country war zone after a bombing in some of those places.

This post is pure gold, exactly how it is.

I also don't consider sju "America" per se. Outside of the fact that they are US citizens it isnt like the mainland at all.
The biggest problem is the schedules are absolutely terrible now. No more long overnights to enjoy anything.. its all reduced rest garbage. 8-10 hours between flights.. so that translates into like 5-7 hours sleep if your lucky. Sure isn't enough time to go out and hang out on the beach at an overnight. The ATR feels like a sauna down there.. the moment you step into it you're drenched in sweat.

The schedules have been terrible in SJU for quite a while now (at least 2005)--all short overnights. It's frustrating to get an incredible hotel room on the beach in Barbados...and never see daylight there.

San Juan would be awesome for a young, single GUY (yes, I wouldn't want to be a female FO down there) to spend a year or so there as long as you don't try to commute. It's pretty modern compared to most Latin American countries, and like any big city has its bad neighborhoods. To get displaced down there would definitely suck, though. I flew with a lot of captains who had gotten displaced from BOS or LGA and they were hating life.
Yeah, the 3 girls I knew down there got out ASAP.

I know a few people doing the ORD-SJU commute. 5.5hours each way in a 757 middle seat.. screw that.:buck:
Rumor...yeah I know $!@*$) that more displacements next month. DFW CRJ lines going down to 24 next month. Supposedly displacing 8 CAs and 8 FOs. I'm the most JR as of right now. If it happens I gotta work the numbers on displacing to the ATR in DFW (I'd be a line holder) or going to ORD on the EMJ or CRJ (line holder on both).
Rumor...yeah I know $!@*$) that more displacements next month. DFW CRJ lines going down to 24 next month. Supposedly displacing 8 CAs and 8 FOs. I'm the most JR as of right now. If it happens I gotta work the numbers on displacing to the ATR in DFW (I'd be a line holder) or going to ORD on the EMJ or CRJ (line holder on both).

yeah, heard that too...

If I was you I would take it as a blessing and jump at the chance to get off the CRJ.. I can't for the life of me figure out why some FO's "intentionally" bid into it.. you couldn't pay me enough to deal with that... piss poor schedule choices, constant re-arrangement, reserve for-EVER.. and the list goes on.. and for what? to fly a bigger plane for far less money making potential than a same senority emj fo.. no thank you.:buck:
I hate a yoke and like the handlebars.. but Im a MX racer so it suits me better..:D

but I really just like to fly real airplanes that don't have either... ;)


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