Mimiun hour requirements and evaluations for FAA training


New Member

Please help me out with the following:

What are the minimum hour requirements(with breakdown e.g. solo, dual x-country), evaluations(written, oral, and checkride) for the following:

- PPL single engine
-PPL- multi
- Instrument multi
-Commercial multi
- Commercial single
-MEI - initial

If a web link with this info could be provided I would be grateful.


Re: Mimiun hour requirements and evaluations for FAA trainin

CFR 14 Part 61

PVT - 40 hours 1 written, oral and practical
PVT multi - no minimum, no written, oral and practical
IFR - 40 hours, 1 written, oral practical (100 hrs XC)
CPL - 250 hours TT multi or single, 1 written, oral and practical
CFI, CFII no minimum beyond a CPL, 3 writtens, oral and practical
MEI, 15hrs MPIC, no written, oral practical

If you want the individual break downs then please consult the link.
Re: Mimiun hour requirements and evaluations for FAA trainin

part 141 commercial mins are a bit lower.....like 190-ish IIRC
Re: Mimiun hour requirements and evaluations for FAA trainin

CFR 14 Part 61

PVT - 40 hours 1 written, oral and practical
PVT multi - no minimum, no written, oral and practical
IFR - 40 hours, 1 written, oral practical (100 hrs XC)
CPL - 250 hours TT multi or single, 1 written, oral and practical
CFI, CFII no minimum beyond a CPL, 3 writtens, oral and practical
MEI, 15hrs MPIC, no written, oral practical

If you want the individual break downs then please consult the link.

I do believe it's only 50 hrs XC. Small difference..