Military Competency CFI-H to MEI Add-On


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I am in a bit of a conundrum at the moment. I currently possess a helicopter CFI/CFII certificate that I received from the FAA through military competency (§61.73(g)). Given that it was my initial flight instructor certificate, all FAR Part 61 regulations governing 'additional flight instructor category/class ratings' would be applicable.

And here within lies the dilemma: I am supposed to take a checkride for the MEI 'add-on' to my instructor certificate this month, but because I do not possess logbook endorsements for my initial CFI (again, my initial was through mil comp), my DPE wants to see all the initial endorsements written up as though my MEI were my 'initial.' Moreover, to complicate matters, he wants my 'initial CFI endorsement' from a 2-year CFI (§61.195(h)) -- though this is not an initial since I already possess a CFI/CFII and my current instructor has had his CFI for less than 3 months. I'd switch to a different MEI to simplify matters for the checkride, except there aren't any 24-month or greater MEIs at my school.

My DPE insisted that this is a gray area and to get all the endorsements "just to be safe," but my gut instinct is that I'm fine. He wasn't entirely sure on whether I needed the endorsements, other local DPEs, and the FSDO do not have an answer as of yet either.

What am I missing here? Shouldn't I be fine to receive all required endorsements for a category & class CFI add-on rating without possessing 'initial' endorsements since I possess a helicopter CFI/CFII earned from military competency? I'm looking for a reference to clarify this once and for all.

Exactly, there shouldn't be any 'gray areas' when it comes to this stuff -- I feel like I just need to find an FAA Letter of Intent, FAR verbage, something from an Advisory Circular, etc. that I can present that clarifies the issue. Thank you for heads up about Shepphard Air, I'll give them a call and see what they have to say since they deal with this on a regular basis since they have the MCI prepware.
The front of the CFI PTS is actually pretty unambiguous on this stuff. I would put together a checklist based on that and any other verbiage you find in Part 61, and tactfully present that to the DPE. If the DPE won't budge, and doesn't show you references for his requests, I would sack him and use another or use an Inspector from the FSDO. There's also the Chief Counsel route, but be careful what you wish for on that one. I've seen that one turn out poorly.
The phrase sheppardair mention on point #5 where some fsdos understand some don't is the key.

Always better to find people familiar with this. Let us know how you get on.

For me no checkride = no endorsement. I don't think the mci written needs one either.
