

Unknown Member
Hi folks,

I recently ran into a Meteorologist and am wondering what sort of jobs are our there, geared toward aviation?

I need some help pointing me in the right direction, as I cannot seem to find out if Lockheed Martin may have a need for such people, to do the weather briefings?

Checked NOAA and other Government Jobs already, but am wondering how to possibly point this guy towards our industry? Incredibly knowledgeable and smart guy with a heart full of love for his profession and a strong interest in Aviation.

This should not be in the jobs needed section, I am simply collecting information to help a buddy out.

Thanks in advance!
I don't have access to the magazine right now, but Professional Pilot has a staff writer (adrian something) who works for the NWS in the midwest. He does an excellent job of explaining the highly technical parts of WX interpretation into layman terms.

If your buddy is interested in that sort of meteorology, I would recommend getting in touch with that publication to gather further information
Check the usual defense contractors, including but not limited to KBR, SAIC, Mitre, Lockheed, Boeing, etc.

Depending on his qualifications and actual operational meteorology skills when needed opportunities may open up at those companies. KBR and SAIC are two of the largest defense and government science / transportation contractors right now.

I regrettably gave up an opportunity a few months back to head to the sandbox with a contractor for some nice change. Would have loved to been back forecasting weather for my old stomping ground but just couldn't pull the trigger.

Also, once again, depends on his experience and qualifications, but he may want to look into getting his dispatcher certificate. Many dispatchers have a similar meteorology background as military aviation weather forecasters and thus their skills are easily transferable. Just a matter of spending the cash to do the course and getting a job.
I think that most, if not all, of the major airlines employ meteorologists. I know we have a department.
Ah! Sorry then. ;)

Don't know any of the FedEx staff meteorologists, but I'm sure they're good guys. Except for the one that is always wearing jean cut-off shorts and t-shirts. He's kinda weird. ;)
I don't have access to the magazine right now, but Professional Pilot has a staff writer (adrian something) who works for the NWS in the midwest. He does an excellent job of explaining the highly technical parts of WX interpretation into layman terms.

If your buddy is interested in that sort of meteorology, I would recommend getting in touch with that publication to gather further information

Karsten Shein - climatologist w/ National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, NC
Cant really help you, but I have noticed that all my meteorology professors are a little strange compared to the rest of my professors.:crazy::D