Medication question...


Well-Known Member
Still on medical leave. FAA wouldn't consider a SI for Pamine.

What about Pro-Banthine (Propantheline bromide)? I read something about this being approved for air traffic controllers, any chance for pilots too?
Hey doc, what about 3rd class medical privileges? Does the FAA give more slack to recreational, non-commercial privileges?

The reason I ask, is this whole situation is not going well. I'm on Pamine and its really helping my gut, but when I stop taking it, things go back as before. I don't see any hope in the near future of getting back to flying for the airlines. This is just ridiculous, but I guess this is the hand I'm dealt. I've started a business though, and things have really taken off.

If I am destined to be grounded from being an airline pilot, is there any hope to fly for recreation? What about as a CFI?

I don't think I'll need to be on these meds forever, but right now it ain't lookin good. :rolleyes: I literally have zero side effects after 30+ days of use, aside from dry mouth at night.
The requirements for medications are the same for all classes of certificate.

If the FAA denies a medical, you cannot everself-certify for sport pilot unless they issue you a medical. If your medical just expires, you can.