i applied for a 1st class medical cert. a couple of weeks ago and the doc deferred my application because of previous court records because i had a couple misdemeanors. has anyone else had or heard of anyone having problems with this kind of issue. it doesnt make very much sense to me what my court records has to do with me gettin a MEDICAL certificate but apparantly it has. i sent in all the paperwork i needed and have called them literally every day and i have seen that it does speed up the process when you bug them. i got them to bump my deferred application up to priority and a doctor reviewed it today and it has only been 4 days which is extremely surprising compared to how long i have heard it has taken people to get there medical when they have to go through this long process. the lady i spoke with today said that my file was got reviewed but not completely fnished but it would be on monday so i was suppose to give them a call. does any one know what my court records have to do with me being medically cleared to fly and if there is a chance that i will get denied. anyways, if i do get approved what is the next step and when can i officially do my first solo because that is where i am at in my training. do they have to mail me some paperwork and then i have to send it back to them and all that extremly long process before i officially have a my medical license or can they tell me over the phone and be good to go. just wondering if anyone could help me out. oh by the way the court records were for a minor possession of alcohol and some excessive speedin tickets.