been around forever
I am off to work so I do not have time to read the rest but I saw this and have a quick comment. You are teaching a visual student who shouldn't be using VORs in any way for any kind of primary form of navigation. The VOR is a back up for visual flying and IMO spending more time on it than what is needed to teach identification and basic operations (maybe an hour total) is a waste of your students time.
The way I look at it, if they are flying around in conditions that often require the use of VOR navigation then they likely will be dead soon anyways. IMO save the VOR navigation for instrument students. Just my 2 cents though, cya.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think its a disservice by not teaching a PPL applicant to be a fully competent pilot. The DPE's in our area WILL fail a student for not having a thorough knowledge of vor usage and the ability to use them. Its great to use pilotage / deadreckoning, but the use of vor navigation by VFR pilots is just as acceptable.
Once the PPL student has his ticket he is free to go anywhere he desires, and some parts of the country you WILL have to know how to use VOR to get around safely.