Made a CFI lesson plan website


Well-Known Member
I made an aviation community website that currently includes all of the lesson plans in the current PTS and I'm in the process of adding new material including:

  • FAA Safety Brochures
  • Safety Briefs
  • Safety Advisors
  • Instructor Tools
  • Advisory Circulars
  • FAA Handbook and Manuals
  • PTS and Knowledge Questions
Its currently still under construction but the forum operating and the lesson plans are available for download. Check it out at
Looks really good.

I had a look at some of your ground lesson plans, the Weather Information and Operation of Systems links both point to the Performance and Limitations lesson plans, but otherwise I like them.

Good work!
Maybe I'm doing something wrong; I tried opening the Certificates and Documents lessons. After downloading the folder and extracting the files, I couldn't seem to find a specific file that would give me the lesson plan. Any help?
hmmm I just downloaded and viewed the Certificates and Documents lesson. Is your word 2007?? All of these are in microsoft word 2007 edition. Once I have time ill convert them to 2003 as well. I'm just busy trying to get ready for my CFI checkride. I can send you that lesson through email and i can just copy and paste the text.

and Hubbs ill change that mistake. Well don't download those two because I haven't added instructor notes only the lesson plan format. Thanks for telling me!
Yes, I have Word 2007. I don't know why I can't read it :banghead:

Have you tried the other lesson plans? Hopefully its just the lesson for you that doesn't work. Give me your email and I'll send you the text.

Slushie thanks for visiting, ill be adding a lot more essential documents that will be helpful for the checkride, i haven't taken it yet either but I have a lot of good stuff that will help me. A few lessons on there aren't finished but i labeled them telling everyone they are not done. But other than that I basically have a lesson for everything in the PTS. oh and I need to upload the FOI notes as well.
Great site- Bookmarked and look forward to seeing the converted lesson plans (still on Word 2003)
Got your email, Kevin. Very good job on the lesson plans. Maybe add some referrence that you could follow as a lesson outline so you're always on a continuous directin when teaching the Certificates and Documents lesson plan.

I couldn't persuade you to email me the Airworthiness Lesson Plan could I?
If you want to register a .com domain, I will host it for you, free of charge.

Yeah they would be really nice of you. In that case I'll have my dad make me a website because he is a computer programmer for HP and can do a bunch of stuff with it. My email is and I can give you my cell if you need to chat with me.


and c172captain the airworthiness one wasn't made by me, there is a lot of notes but I'll send it too you.
AHHH C172Captain there is no instructor notes in that lesson plan, I just looked at it. Sorry! Im going to write the notes tomorrow and re post them.
Yeah they would be really nice of you. In that case I'll have my dad make me a website because he is a computer programmer for HP and can do a bunch of stuff with it. My email is and I can give you my cell if you need to chat with me.


and c172captain the airworthiness one wasn't made by me, there is a lot of notes but I'll send it too you.

All you have to do is register one at or similar. It costs $9-10, depending on where you do it. I will give you the nameservers you need to point it to and then I will email you all the info you need to access the website control panel. If you like the simplicity of, you can just register a domain and have it redirect to your content.

The offer is on the table for any other CFIs on here that want their own website. I won't help you design/build the website, but I'll save you a few bucks a month on hosting it.
Yeah Ill talk to my dad and see if he can make a site for me, he already has a hosting service so all I need is a domain.

I ran out of space already on so I can't upload anymore stuff.
hmmm I cant get it to work either.... I have word 2007 but when I open it up there are just a bunch of folders with a lot of nothing in them...