Lynx Aviation??


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if they are actually hiring? Anyone know if we have any of their pilots on here? Just wondering mroe so.
Just of of curiosity did you ask this question on airlinepilotcentral? Try going to lynx chat room and find out.
From what I understand there are plans to run a Feb and Mar class, there is a pool from last year. They have a new aircraft on its way as well as an upgrade class being run.

Thats about all I know.
One of my former students was interviewed and hired in October. Swam in the pool. She starts class Feb 2nd.
meyers, check PPW.

GreatCheako breaks it down. Seems there are going to be two classes. One in February, and one in March for the arrival of two new airplanes.
Check out

I haven't heard exact numbers on how many they plan on hiring, as they still have/had some people in the pool. I've had my Application in with them since December when I found out I was going to be furloughed. I had a friend of mine walk in my resume again 2 days ago and I got an email last night from one of their recruiters. But with any other job that I've applied for, just have to sit back and wait now...

Also, check out the Lynx pilot board, they have implemented new hiring mins. for FOs and Captain upgrade mins.
Got the call yesterday for an interview invite. Still waiting to hear what day I'll be interviewing. I'm surprised I got a call. I had my resume walked in with an internal recommendation, so that definitely did it. I guess the saying holds true. "It's not what you know, it's WHO you know." They are looking to fill a small class in early March. Wish me luck!
Got the call yesterday for an interview invite. Still waiting to hear what day I'll be interviewing. I'm surprised I got a call. I had my resume walked in with an internal recommendation, so that definitely did it. I guess the saying holds true. "It's not what you know, it's WHO you know." They are looking to fill a small class in early March. Wish me luck!

Good Luck :)