Low Altitude RNAV route question


Well-Known Member
I have not flew on any GPS airways yet. But can you fly one with any IFR approved GPS? I have a Garmin 430, could I fly one, and how would you put it in?
Would you have to start at a waypoint and then go direct to the next one?
I did not know if some newer GPS's had them in there data base.
This may be a crazy question, but I have no idea.

The 430 does not have any airways in its database. The only GPS unit that would be found in a light, GA aircraft would be the GNS 480 (now discontinued by Garmin).

To fly a T or Q route, you simply load the waypoints into the flight plan like you would for any other airway. The 430 is approved for enroute, terminal (SID & STARs), and IAP's.

...there is a software update in the works for the 430/530 series to allow loading of airways like the newer software versions of the G1000 can do.

I hope it is more than a rumor, I hate it when you file a route, then they give you some other airway entirely and you have to go to the chart to look up and put every point in one at a time.

The first time I used the new software on the G1000 I giggled like a little kid.