Looks like turboprops are back on menu, boys!

There are a few days where I miss clicking off the autopilot and flying a visual into Dutch Harbor on a nice day, or Unalakleet. Those are the parts I miss. Don't get days like that anymore.
I guess if I’m driving a bus they’ll probably frown on calling the field in sight abeam on downwind and making the visual inside fire island.
There are a few days where I miss clicking off the autopilot and flying a visual into Dutch Harbor on a nice day, or Unalakleet. Those are the parts I miss. Don't get days like that anymore.
I’d love to fly a 2K again, for the right price and QOL.

Edit: Looks like fabric, wing warping, and biplanes (kinda) might be fashionable again someday too!
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Like what else would they have going for them? You're still flying something, at least sorta. Flying a 747 is like operating a lathe or a reactor. Maybe an oil tanker, if I'm feeling kind. Don't get me wrong, it pays well, and I'm not looking to trade out with some kid risking his/her life to get the urine samples to Kansas City on time, but there's absolutely nothing fun about it, like itself. It's just an enormous appliance.

For some people, myself included, becoming adept at operating a complicated “appliance” is fun itself. It’s a nerd thing. Hand flying? Yeah, not so much. Just a waste of time and energy. To each his own, though.
For some people, myself included, becoming adept at operating a complicated “appliance” is fun itself. It’s a nerd thing. Hand flying? Yeah, not so much. Just a waste of time and energy. To each his own, though.
Really good hand flying is a skill to be enjoyed/appreciated in the same way (personality dependent of course). I love the challenge of flying (or even driving) so smoothly that passengers never even notice changes of direction, attitude, power settings, etc. Smoooooth!!!
Really good hand flying is a skill to be enjoyed/appreciated in the same way (personality dependent of course). I love the challenge of flying (or even driving) so smoothly that passengers never even notice changes of direction, attitude, power settings, etc. Smoooooth!!!

See, I always found that far easier than smoothly operating the autopilot (which, as a passenger nowadays, I can say that very few pilots put any effort into). Autopilots tend to be pretty jerky when you don’t put any effort into learning how to manipulate them into operating smoothly.
For some people, myself included, becoming adept at operating a complicated “appliance” is fun itself. It’s a nerd thing. Hand flying? Yeah, not so much. Just a waste of time and energy. To each his own, though.
I always found airline pilots bragging about hand flying so ridiculous. Who are you trying to impress? If you tell another pilot you hand flew, he’s like “so what.” If you tell a non-pilot you hand flew they think “yeah, I thought that’s what pilots did.”

I equate it to a trucker sitting down for a meal at a truck stop, and announcing to the waitress and all other truckers in ear shot “whew, I just put 500 miles on the odometer today, and didn’t use cruise the whole time!”

and yes, I understand that cruise control in a truck and autopilot aren’t exactly the same technology.
Different strokes I guess. They’re more hands-on, but that’s all they have going for them.
I hear ya. I miss the hands on stuff though to be fair. When I fly GA and file (not fly) IFR I can tell my skills have eroded tremendously. I’m a way worse pilot than I was 10 years ago. I bet I couldn’t even do an NDB hold right now anymore.
I hear ya. I miss the hands on stuff though to be fair. When I fly GA and file (not fly) IFR I can tell my skills have eroded tremendously. I’m a way worse pilot than I was 10 years ago. I bet I couldn’t even do an NDB hold right now anymore.

Yeah, our clapped out ATR's still require you to do pilot stuff, so my skills have stayed sharp. But I don't really have the same nostalgia for GA flying. Literally zero interest in it at all. Not one day has passed where I wish I could still fly some piece of GA junk around the pattern. THAT is my idea of boring.
I hear ya. I miss the hands on stuff though to be fair. When I fly GA and file (not fly) IFR I can tell my skills have eroded tremendously. I’m a way worse pilot than I was 10 years ago. I bet I couldn’t even do an NDB hold right now anymore.

You’d be surprised. While my landings needed work when I came back to GA, the old school instrument skills were still solid. Yes, even NDBs.
Can't speak to the bus but on the boings I've flown it's essentially a video game at that point. Try to keep the little white thing in the middle of the two magenta things. Not exactly my idea of "really flying"...
Excellent point. Keeping your ”nose in the pink,” is nothing like the GA flying guys love to romantacize.
Can't speak to the bus but on the boings I've flown it's essentially a video game at that point. Try to keep the little white thing in the middle of the two magenta things. Not exactly my idea of "really flying"...
It's a totally different kind of flying. Altogether

Click Click. Click Click <--- who remembers :)
Yeah, our clapped out ATR's still require you to do pilot stuff, so my skills have stayed sharp. But I don't really have the same nostalgia for GA flying. Literally zero interest in it at all. Not one day has passed where I wish I could still fly some piece of GA junk around the pattern. THAT is my idea of boring.

To some degree, flying ATR’s is like GA flying. I think I’ve flown approaches in them (empty) about the same speed as a Mooney. And it you’re flying out west for work, I could see how GA flying would feel pedestrian.

You’d be surprised. While my landings needed work when I came back to GA, the old school instrument skills were still solid. Yes, even NDBs.

This. I didn’t fly GA for years when I was at the airlines, and then borrowed my brother in laws Cherokee. Took a few trips around the pattern to get comfortable with a reasonable approach speed, but I logged like 8 hrs of actual in 2 days with a 40yr old 6 pack and felt totally comfortable. “Riding a bike” is cliché but I think it applies to stuff you do for hundreds or thousands of hours.
To some degree, flying ATR’s is like GA flying. I think I’ve flown approaches in them (empty) about the same speed as a Mooney. And it you’re flying out west for work, I could see how GA flying would feel pedestrian.

72-212 this morning at 37,000lbs our approach speed was 95 KIAS.

Hilariously slow for such a big airplane
72-212 this morning at 37,000lbs our approach speed was 95 KIAS.

Hilariously slow for such a big airplane

Those are French knots though right? So maybe 140 American knots? It's like when I switched the rental car speedo from MPH to KM/hr when my bud wasn't looking. He drove us around town at 25 km, and it was so amazing. Grandmothers were passing us and flipping the bird. He had no idea
Those are French knots though right? So maybe 140 American knots? It's like when I switched the rental car speedo from MPH to KM/hr when my bud wasn't looking. He drove us around town at 25 km, and it was so amazing. Grandmothers were passing us and flipping the bird. He had no idea
Technically they are noeuds.
Those are French knots though right? So maybe 140 American knots? It's like when I switched the rental car speedo from MPH to KM/hr when my bud wasn't looking. He drove us around town at 25 km, and it was so amazing. Grandmothers were passing us and flipping the bird. He had no idea
Life is just one big comedy routine for you Navy bubbas isn't? (I gotta try this sometime)