Looking for Multi Time Building Partner(s) .....

I just flew with APPP(Accelerated Professional Pilot Program) and it was exactly as they portray it on the website.
I had to build 35 multi hours, so I did massive research and found this place- (took me almost 2 months).
It was $95 per hour including tax, checkout, fuel. There were no hidden fees.
They even picked me up and dropped me off when I landed in Dallas. The housing facility is located right at the Dallas Executive Airport and is pretty nice - only $40/night. They brought us to Walmart to do some shopping (to save money by not eating in restaurants). So I didn't need to rent a car at all. We flew to Fort Lauderdale, spent a day flying around Florida because the weather in the rest of the country was bad, then flew back to Dallas to finish. For the most part - everything ran on time. In Fort Lauderdale, we found a cheap hotel to stay. The aircraft itself was in good condition and well maintained. I would recommend them for other people that are trying to build hours at a reasonable cost.
I just flew with APPP(Accelerated Professional Pilot Program) and it was exactly as they portray it on the website.
I had to build 35 multi hours, so I did massive research and found this place- (took me almost 2 months).
It was $95 per hour including tax, checkout, fuel. There were no hidden fees.
They even picked me up and dropped me off when I landed in Dallas. The housing facility is located right at the Dallas Executive Airport and is pretty nice - only $40/night. They brought us to Walmart to do some shopping (to save money by not eating in restaurants). So I didn't need to rent a car at all. We flew to Fort Lauderdale, spent a day flying around Florida because the weather in the rest of the country was bad, then flew back to Dallas to finish. For the most part - everything ran on time. In Fort Lauderdale, we found a cheap hotel to stay. The aircraft itself was in good condition and well maintained. I would recommend them for other people that are trying to build hours at a reasonable cost.

And how is fuel handled outside of their homebase? Full reimbursement or a nice 2 dollars per gallon ridiculousness?
I just flew with APPP(Accelerated Professional Pilot Program) and it was exactly as they portray it on the website.

"exactly as portrayed" you mean the place that says three pilots can log PIC in a light twin? Good luck with this place, hopefully no one has their logbook on them when you get ramped checked. I will never understand how a flight instructor in the back seat can log dual given. If anyone can show me this reg, that would be great.
"I will never understand how a flight instructor in the back seat can log dual given. If anyone can show me this reg, that would be great.

Why? Just because a CFI is in the back seat they can't teach?
In some airplanes the CFI sits in the front....

Dual flight controls....
Why? Just because a CFI is in the back seat they can't teach?
In some airplanes the CFI sits in the front....

Dual flight controls....

he means in a side by side they have 2 students up front at the controls and the CFI in the back with no controls, just as a passenger, but logging the time
Why? Just because a CFI is in the back seat they can't teach?
In some airplanes the CFI sits in the front....

Dual flight controls....
It always helps when you read someone's full post. "three pilots can log PIC in a light twin?"
Please feel free to show me a Seneca(APPP airplane) that has flight controls in the front and back.
It always helps when you read someone's full post. "three pilots can log PIC in a light twin?"
Please feel free to show me a Seneca(APPP airplane) that has flight controls in the front and back.

Oops. Sorry 'bout that. I gotta stop responding on my mobile, I keep missing stuff.
McMahon said:
I recently purchased a 1960 Cessna 310. Its a sweet, sweet flying plane. Depending on the power settings it burns 16 gph to 22 gph in cruise. On average it cost under $100 per hour, depending on where fuel is obtained. I need to build hours for insurance reasons. Currently I am just flying my family up to Lake Tahoe to go skiing and snowboarding. I am based out of the Fresno area and I can be in So. Cal. or San Fran. in about an hour. I don't mind traveling to split time. I do prefer to nice long distance cross countries. I mean from So. Cal to New Mexico or Texas where the fuel is under $4 a gallon. 6 to 8 hour flights. Let me know if you have any questions.

I have money to spend on MEI ratings. I'd like my money to go as far as possible, I live in San Antonio Texas. Let me know if you still want to split costs.
So we are gonna do 50hrs Apr 15-18th in the Seneca from Glendale AZ. Should be an awesome trip all over the place.

50 hours in 4 days, yikes
Jesus Christ... I was flying sunrise to sundown (with breaks every 2-3 hours) and it took me I think 8 days to get 50 hours.. that's just insane!

well to be fair it was in early early January when the day went from 7:30am to about 5:45pm and I tried to keep the night flying to a minimum as sort of a personal rule of mine.

I typically do most of my flying at night because of work, and you miss out on a lot of scenery. So for this long trip of mine I wanted to make sure that if I couldn't see the beautiful countryside I would just land.
So we are gonna do 50hrs Apr 15-18th in the Seneca from Glendale AZ. Should be an awesome trip all over the place.


Dude~~ - I just checked out their site - that is amazing! $150/wet for a FIKI Seneca?? Let me know how it goes, because I will be finishing my Comm / MEL around that time, if the creek don't rise. I will definitely be down with doing 10 hour blocks every few months, until I have about 60-70hrs multi...
Jesus Christ... I was flying sunrise to sundown (with breaks every 2-3 hours) and it took me I think 8 days to get 50 hours.. that's just insane!

well to be fair it was in early early January when the day went from 7:30am to about 5:45pm and I tried to keep the night flying to a minimum as sort of a personal rule of mine.

I typically do most of my flying at night because of work, and you miss out on a lot of scenery. So for this long trip of mine I wanted to make sure that if I couldn't see the beautiful countryside I would just land.

I understand where you're coming from. I did 11 hours from Texas to Maine and PA yesterday, all straight and level with no weather. It was brutally long. I also once did 30 in a 48 hour period in January. PA to Cozumel and back in an Aztec. That flight was way more interesting. I was dead tired, but I'd do it again tomorrow.
I was dead tired, but I'd do it again tomorrow.
Hell to the yes! I would love to get up at 4am tomorrow and be 2 hours into my flight by the time the sun rises!

but I have to work, and that doesn't involve airplanes (yet) :(
Yeah I know it sounds brutal lol, but its an adventure. We figure to be up early enough to get going and make the most of the day between 12-14 hrs a day. First day is Arizona to Texas to North Dakota. Second day down through Minnesota and Illinois and across to the east coast. Day three hasn't been planned yet, but depending on weather of course we will have to flexible. Hopefully nothing major runs through the middle of the country during those four days causing too much of a hassle. But seeing what came through the midwest the past couple of days already who knows lol.

Definitely. If it works out that would be cool to meet some of you guys around the country.

Looks like they started out from Glendale this morning, flightaware shows them IFR in Texas earlier this evening.