logbook writers


Well-Known Member
Ive heard that people will pay others to legibly scribe their logbooks.... anybody have any experience with this? i would definitely like someone with good handwriting to fill mine in for me, but then I guess I would have to have money to pay for it.
If you get logbook pro I think you can order a regular logbook with your data typed into it.

I have terrible handwriting but if I really try I can make it look ok.
Yes, Logbook Pro offers a data entry service where they take your paper logs and enter them into Logbook Pro for you. The details are at the bottom of their web site:


I used it and I'm glad it was as painless as possible to move to the electronic age! :)
Yes, Logbook Pro offers a data entry service where they take your paper logs and enter them into Logbook Pro for you. The details are at the bottom of their web site:


I used it and I'm glad it was as painless as possible to move to the electronic age! :)

I think you can go the other way too. You can send them your data and they will send you a logbook with everything printed in it.
Who cares? My crappy writing shows that I have character and I'm not some run-of-the-mill, dime-a-dozen "super pilot."

Or it just means I'm lazy and have poor work ethic :)
Yes, Logbook Pro offers a data entry service where they take your paper logs and enter them into Logbook Pro for you. The details are at the bottom of their web site:


I used it and I'm glad it was as painless as possible to move to the electronic age! :)

  • $75 Service Fee
  • Lines 1-500 - $0.25/line entry
  • Lines 501-1000 - $0.23/line entry
  • Lines 1001-2000 - $0.20/line entry
  • Lines over 2000 - $0.18/line entry
is that $.25 per line?

That is crazy I need to start doing data entry for pilots if that is the case. I would make quite a bit more then flight instructing!