so during my IFR lessons when we go into the PCATD, I can log only total duration, dual instruction received, as well as FTD time?
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Let's start off with a small correction. "Total duration" in the logbook usually means "total duration of flight" which is what you need to total for most certificates or ratings. Flight Simulator and FTD time do =not= count. For example, the commercial certificate requires least "250 hours of flight time". None of that can be in anything other than some kind of aircraft.
Now to the PCATD. The PCATD is a different creature. It is neither a "flight simulator" not a "flight training device". It falls under 61.4(c) which authorizes the FAA to approve devices other than simulators and FTDs. So time in a PCATD is not even "pilot time"
What a PCATD can be used for and what can be logged is the subject of AC 61-126 - Qualification And Approval Of Personal Computer-Based Aviation Training Devices. In general, they can be used to partially substitute for requirements for a certificate or rating that can be done in a flight simulator or FTD. For example,
a. To be acceptable for use in part 61, a PCATD must:
(1) Be capable of providing training in all elements for which it will be used. Those elements should be specified in a curriculum.
(2) Meet the description and criteria established in this AC.
b. The PCATD should be used in a curriculum which will provide for:
(1) A scope and content which should be in general compliance with part 141.
(2) Not more than 10 hours of flight instruction in a PCATD in lieu of 10 of the 20 hours of flight instruction allowed for a flight simulator or FTD. The 20-hour allowance for a flight simulator or an FTD and the 10-hour allowance for PCATD's are not additive. If a PCATD is used for the maximum of 10 hours, that 10 hours shall be a part of the 20-hour maximum allowance for a flight simulator or flight training device.
(3) Instructional materials for flight events.
(4) An outline of stage (phase) checks and criterion levels of performance.
Frankly, since the PCATD is not a simulator or FTD and can't be counted toward some things that a simulator or FTD can, I'd log PCATD time in its own column.