First off, I want to say that I appreciate all your comments on the subject. Some have been very carefully thought out. Thanks for the time to answer my questions.
Secondly, I want to say that I'm really highly considering some of your ideas out there. You've made me believe that taking the ATC route would be the best option. I believe that as well. I will probably be taking this road once I graduate. However, I still feel that I'm "boxing" myself in. I'm the type of person where I set goals and I really, really hate not achieving them or at least changing them.
Thridly, someone asked about my experience level so here it is. I'm still a private/instrument and I'm nearing completion of my commerical. I should have that in hand this summer, if all goes well. I do have my high performance, complex, and high altitude endorsements. I have around 350 hours, 30 of which is B727 sim time (my professor has said that I can log those hours -- who am I to argue?). I don't, as of yet, have the commerical, multi, or any of the CFIs. It is my goal to get those.
Forthly, (is that even a word) to be candid I'm a little frustrated at this point with my training. It's a time issue for me. I'm doing my training on the side, while a full time student, and I've had to cancel a number of lessons for homework, group projects, and tests. I feel that if I continue this way, progress will not be made. If I do take the ATC career track I'm really afraid that I won't have the time, or energy, to devote the time it will take to earn those ratings.
I'd only take the CSA job for about a year (the time it would take to raise the necessary funds) and then go to ATP to get my multi, and CFIs. It is important to understand here, I would have to move back in with the 'rents -- an option that I don't relish -- to save on living costs.
Let me wrap up by saying, I have taken all your comments to heart and I am truely considering taking the ATC option as many of you have suggested.
I have been pondering this scenario for months now. I haven't brought this up with my family because they don't seem to understand aviation and the processes of as much as you folks do. They'll see it from a purely financial standpoint; they want me to stable, well paying, career from the day I have that diploma. While I appreciate that, I don't want to be caught in a career track that is all of those mentioned things but be unhappy becuase I gave up my ulimate goal here.
Anyhow, that's enough from here. I'm rambling... I just thought you folks deserved a better understand of where I'm coming from. Again, I really appreciate the responses and all the help I've got here.
Thanks again!