let the good times roll

Suck it up and get it done in 4 years. Take summer classes if you have to and get out of the dorms ASAP. It will save you a boat load of cash in the long run. Also borrow as little as possible. It sucks to have been out of school for over 10 years and still how a lot of cash to the gov't.

Learn how to budget your time and don't forget to party, you'll need to get rid of the weekly stresses. I wasn't a morning person so try and pick your classes accordingly. I always chose late in the day classes. The morning classes killed me. I either didn't go or slept in them. Needles to say those weren't my best classes.

College is like a buffet, sample everything they have to offer. Just be smart about things and enjoy the time you have there.

May I ask where you will be attending?
Drink beer, chase women (or men...whatever your preference is), learn about life and try to study a bit.

I'll agree to that one as well. Although don't sleep with your roommates sister when she comes to visit- that doesn't work out well... I learned that one. Also, try to study abroad a semester if you can-- one of the best experiences of my college life.
Get a meaningful degree, one that, after graduation you can walk out of there and straight into a job. Avoid early classes, don't kid yourself, 8am college algebra is the last place your brain wants to be. Don't be an overachiever and get overloaded. Try about 12-14 hours a semester, fill in the gaps with a couple of summer courses. You are going to make mistakes, just don't make big ones. Put the local cheap taxi phone number on speed dial and don't be afraid to give them a call. There is just a ton of do and don'ts. Number one is, enjoy it. It will be the quickest 4-5 years of your life.:rawk:
Go, screw up, drop out, get a real job, realize that the rest of your life is going to suck by comparison, go back, and really enjoy yourself. Worked for me. You're on a clock kid. It'll never be as good (at least in most ways). If it's fun and you've a sober handle on stopping any potentially unpleasant consequences, do it. Twice, just to make sure.

HAHAHA. Nicely put.
I found that a lot of people, once they are responsible for themselves, don't know how to act in public and don't even realize it. Have tons of fun...party...but don't do anything without giving it some dull, sober thought.

Study when you need to, but get in plenty of "me" time. Don't burn yourself out. For your electives, try to take some classes you really have an interest in. You might find a worthwhile minor that way. This is assuming you have an interest in your major.

Just because you're told "it can't be done", doesn't mean that is true. If I had an hour of flight time for every time I had been told that, I'd have had ATP mins before I was 20.

Basically, it's YOUR life- not your parents', not your friends', not your advisor's, not your teachers'. Only YOU know what you want out of life. Ask for advice often, but don't let someone talk you into something you don't really want, like a new car you can't afford or a degree that sounds meaningless to you.
just got the letter admitting me in college.
can anyone give me advice?
anything i might need?
anything thacan help me out as im preparing

Your acceptance letter wasn't for UCSD, was it? :eek:


the school's communications office said an e-mail was sent Monday afternoon to all 46,377 students who applied for admission -- including the 29,000 rejects -- welcoming them to the campus.