Left over $$ from MikeD campaign


Vintage Restoration
Got this from my friend on deployment on the USS Port Royal. Maybe it would be a good thing to send some stuff to them with any left over money from the MikeD drive?

Red Cross Needs Assistance for Wounded Soldiers

The American Red Cross at Walter Reed Army Medical Center is looking for incidentals/comfort items for sick and wounded Armed Forces Personnel now recuperating at the hospital. When someone is stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere and is wounded or falls ill, they are immediately
evacuated, and it can take weeks for their personnel effects to catch up with them. The Red Cross is asking for donations of any of the following:

- telephone cards of at least 30 minutes
- rolling luggage (small), totes, carry-ons
- individually wrapped snacks
- magazines
- notepads, pens
- playing cards and games
- sweat pants and shirts (all sizes)

All items should be addressed to:
ATTN: Barbara Green,
American Red Cross
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20307-5001.

Checks should be made out to the American Red Cross. For more information, call (202) 782-2080 or e-mail Barbara.Green.1@AMEDD.army.mil.

For more on the Red Cross, see http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourceFileView?file=Active_Family_Red_Cross.htm
Most of the people that I've been pimping for the past two weeks to help me get stuff from point A to point APO pretty much gave me the 'jaded eye', so I'm probably digging a little deeper into my pocket and shipping the stuff using my DHL discount.

I can't believe how much of a pain the ass it is to get something mailed to an APO. Half of the government sites with information are "Error 404", and the other ones are so laden with claptrap jargon, it's about to drive me insane.

I even left a billion voicemails with public affairs down at Davis-Monthan and I think I would have had better results with my cat Sasha!
Wow, I know xbox is expensive and all, but was that really over $2500 worth of xbox games and foods and stuff? Seems like there should be enough to cover shipping costs from that pool.
Doug, I sent ya some money in the mail, the check should have reached you or soon, if you have to dig into your pocket, let me know, I will make another donation to the cause. You and Kristy should not to bear the burden alone...

Wow, I know xbox is expensive and all, but was that really over $2500 worth of xbox games and foods and stuff? Seems like there should be enough to cover shipping costs from that pool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, we're at $2,305.07 spent as of this morning and since Delta dropped the ball, I've got to go pick up some pillows and blankets.

It's about 40 lbs/box (12 total individual care packs) and probably 4 "for everyone" boxes which I'm not even sure what the weight is going to average.

DHL's program is, with my Delta discount, $6 for the initial 10lbs, and then $1/lb thereafter, so I'm estimating about another $350 in shipping, but I think we're going to be OK.

I'll have the .pdf files with itemized receipt totals up in another day or so.

This has almost been a 9-to-5 job in the past week, whew! Get up at 8am, make phone calls, go bed by 1:30am and do it all over again... Kristie's up even later!
Wow, I know xbox is expensive and all, but was that really over $2500 worth of xbox games and foods and stuff? Seems like there should be enough to cover shipping costs from that pool.

[/ QUOTE ]

we'd be happy to scan the receipts if you'd like to see them - we've spent 98% of the fund...1% will go to buying blankets/pillows because Delta's to slow and not on the ball (or doesn't want to contribute), 0.5% is going to be used for buying boxes and 1% will go to shipping the items out cuz we can't find anyone that will just "do it"... getting these things shipped out has been THE biggest pain in the A$$...
Doug's impression of calling Davis-Monthan AFB:

... press "1" for blah blah blah
... press "2" for blah blah blah
... press "3" for blah blah blah
... press "4" for blah blah blah
... press "5" for blah blah blah
... press "6" for the public affairs officers....


... Hello, and welcome to the public affairs office... you must hang up and dial (520) 123-5678...

"Beep bop beep, bop bop booop, beep bop boop boop"

"Hello! and welcome to the publica affairs office..."

... press "1" for blah blah blah
... press "2" for blah blah blah
... press "3" for blah blah blah
... press "4" for blah blah blah
... press "5" to speak to someone.


"Hello, and welcome to the public affairs office, we're not available now, please leave a message after the tone [interpreted: You can make our voicemail light blink and we'll get back to you, well.. never!]
is that their telephone number? i wonder if we should just all try and leave a crap load of messages on their machines about how inconsiderate they are about helping folks who want to donate - yet how interesting it is when they say they "NEED" donations...

Just got a call from pub affairs at DM (are they reading the forum?) and they want me to call the CO and see if they've got any packages going over.

Primarily the reason is that they can't mail non-equipment boxes on the cargo aircraft, but if the CO is sending over non-equipment shipments, I can maybe get something on that jet -- BUT it takes six to eight weeks to reach the soldier and only if they've got a shipment going over.

DHL, with the Delta discount is telling me that it shouldn't be more than $25/box (up to 100 lbs) and it's mailed directly to the soldier at his/her base. But there's a 100# max, but I'll have to negotiate (read: beg) the local station manager in Tempe to let me bend that rule.

This just gets funner and funner.