Landing with the hood popped open

So you've seen my hometown! The espresso stands in Kitsap County are in steep competition over who's baristas can wear the least. A place called "Natte Latte" started it, a stand called "Espresso Gone Wild" began the competition, and it's spiraled out of control from there. One frustrated espresso stand owner posted a sign saying "Our coffee's so good, we serve it fully clothed." I can't make this stuff up. My county really is this strange...

Thats one of my favorite things about Seattle. :)
The door popped open at 10k in the Duchess in the clouds over southern FL. We might as well have been single engine it seemed. The drag was significant. I lost 300 feet before we could recover as Miami Center was querying us as to our altitude. We ended up diverting to the nearest airport so we would get the thing shut. Turns out the latch was broken so we were screwed anyways.
On second glance, I kinda like the video about the espresso gone wild stand. How come they dont have those in TX?