Jumpseating on Cargo Carriers


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have experience jumpseating on cargo carriers as a dispatcher? I work for Horizon and I'm going to attempt to get to Memphis for Thanksgiving and it just popped into my head that I could potentially jumpseat on FedEx. Have any of you dispatchers ridden in the jumpseat on FedEx?
I was on a UPS jumpseat last week with an AA dispatcher on the jumpseat next to me, so it is doable.
I've done both FedEx and UPS before. It was a few years ago and if I remember correctly, UPS had a website where you could sign up for it and FedEx you called in and signed up. But it was VERY easy to get it to work.
Watch out for FDX, the 767 and the A300 do not allow OAL people to jumpseat due to no cockpit door.
Does anyone have experience jumpseating on cargo carriers as a dispatcher? I work for Horizon and I'm going to attempt to get to Memphis for Thanksgiving and it just popped into my head that I could potentially jumpseat on FedEx. Have any of you dispatchers ridden in the jumpseat on FedEx?
Once you jump seat on cargo it'll become your preferred method of jump seating.
Can we jumpseat cargo internationally?
UPS/FedEx are domestic only. Most others do allow international although Atlas had international jumpseats blocked for covid and unsure if they started allowing it again. Biggest hurtles are finding out what the schedule is (not always published but FDX, UPS, GTI, WGN are), how to list (ALPA App), and where to meet the aircraft/crew (good luck?). I can tell you from experience that, if you can figure it all out, 13 hours on the top deck of a 74 is a million times better than stuck in a middle seat on AAL/DAL/UAL. WGN was awesome because, after you are approved, the Captain gets your contact info and will get in touch with you directly about meeting location/time. I made the mistake of bringing food because I wasn't sure about the catering situation...I swear they had that plane catered for a king.


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I have gotten Filet Mignon as often riding JS on cargo as I did non-revving for 9 years on the widget internationally in business class. Meeting location is the biggest gotcha, confirm it as early as possible along with any phone number and re-confirm in case it changes. Almost got stuck in EWR due wrong location given by company...
I’d be curious as well. My only guess is perhaps it’s something to do with gendecs, or the same reason OAL can’t jumpseat internationally on other company metal.
I just occupied a JS from MIA-BOG and tomorrow I go BOG-MIA...and a few things I learned:
a) they don't stamp your passport...so you're going to have to pay hotel taxes in Bogota
b) Ask the crew for a copy of the GenDec. It could be useful since your name is on it.
c) It was suggested that for flying internationally, I find myself a pilot uniform and just go with blank epaulets or cadet stripes...to make getting out of a country internationally easier at the cargo terminals
d) The old people everywhere are so nice...and the cargo people on the phone are the kinds of people I'd love to work with
UPS/FedEx are domestic only. Most others do allow international although Atlas had international jumpseats blocked for covid and unsure if they started allowing it again. Biggest hurtles are finding out what the schedule is (not always published but FDX, UPS, GTI, WGN are), how to list (ALPA App), and where to meet the aircraft/crew (good luck?). I can tell you from experience that, if you can figure it all out, 13 hours on the top deck of a 74 is a million times better than stuck in a middle seat on AAL/DAL/UAL. WGN was awesome because, after you are approved, the Captain gets your contact info and will get in touch with you directly about meeting location/time. I made the mistake of bringing food because I wasn't sure about the catering situation...I swear they had that plane catered for a king.
How do I get access to the Alpa App as a dispatcher?