Jumpseating International?

:panic:<---- reading and interpreting a LIDO chart makes me feel like this.

It's more of how they're sent to us and organized than the actual charts. After using them for so long, I've gotten used to the quirks and can read them as well as a Jepp chart. The things I DON'T like boil down to the SIDs and STARs. The fact that you get a revision and are missing 2 or 3 charts kinda blows the whole "efficiency" out of the water.
It's more of how they're sent to us and organized than the actual charts. After using them for so long, I've gotten used to the quirks and can read them as well as a Jepp chart. The things I DON'T like boil down to the SIDs and STARs. The fact that you get a revision and are missing 2 or 3 charts kinda blows the whole "efficiency" out of the water.

The most egregarious "violation" of simplicity and safety and even security IMO comes on the ELDEE4 RNAV to DCA. The fact I have to have a FOLD-OUT chart that I then have to flip over to get 1/2 the fixes in the ADIZ bugs the crap out of me.
The most egregarious "violation" of simplicity and safety and even security IMO comes on the ELDEE4 RNAV to DCA. The fact I have to have a FOLD-OUT chart that I then have to flip over to get 1/2 the fixes in the ADIZ bugs the crap out of me.

FO I flew with last week got the OLD ELDEE in his last revision instead of the new one. Figure that one out.
Be aware - Delta gate agents think that jumpseating internationally is NOT allowed because you can't sit in the seat. I was "forced" to use up one of my 3 "trans-oceanic" non-rev passes because the gate agent gave me a seat assignment.

I had that happen out of ATL too. But I did it returning out of AMS and they had no problem. I think it was just the general laziness that is prevalent in the ATL...I hate that place.
I had that happen out of ATL too. But I did it returning out of AMS and they had no problem. I think it was just the general laziness that is prevalent in the ATL...I hate that place.

Now, you hate the PLACE Atlanta, or the people who work at this place?

Otherwise CC might jump on you for hating our home turf.

I had that happen out of ATL too. But I did it returning out of AMS and they had no problem. I think it was just the general laziness that is prevalent in the ATL...I hate that place.

It's not just ATL. It's the South in general. I think some of our MEM people could win in a "Laz-off" with ATL.
Be careful since it really, truly depends on the gate agent.

Coming back from Mexico 2yrs ago I tried about every airline, Continental, AA, Frontier, etc.

The only one who let me was UAL on the last flight out (on a nearly full plane.) Ever since then I just suck it up and buy ZED fare tickets.
Hey Polar, is it possible to access Polar's flight schedule without going through and filling out that form? I just don't want to fill that whole thing out and end up reserving a seat that I am not going to use.

There used to be a link on the Atlas Air website that had a schedule (that they didn't update very often)...but it seems they have redesigned it since I last looked and can't seem to find it...

By the way, who is "titan"? Are they the Gojets of cargo airlines? :-P
The real live schedule, I don't know any of the outside manipulations since I have access.

They change it frequently anyway to meet customer needs.

Titan is a new challenge to scope in. A "Dry Leasing" arm of the mothership.