Job Security


Well-Known Member
OK I know I posted previously on my current situation in "PLEASE HELP...I need insight" but my question is what does everyone out there in the aviation field or moving into the aviation field feel about ATC and its job security. With the economy down in the pits and all do you think there might be lay offs come the very near future or like how they did in Regans years as president, etc...Just curious on peoples opinions with this topic
This isn't the private sector. Once you get in the union is pretty influential in terms of keeping you around. So, layoffs? No. Not gonna happen. Their short people, hence the hiring. And Regan fired them for striking - an illegal act - not because of financial purposes.

That said, while you may not have to worry about being 'furloughed', you do have the following considerations:

Training - will you make it? Many think the notion of sending OTS applicants to level 10, 11 and 12 facilities is, well, retarded. But, they need warm bodies.

Medical - can you keep it? Many do, some don't. But once you're into CPC status then you can probably switch to some other non-saftey position. Every facility has this.

Do you like it - my facility has had NUMEROUS developmentals resign. Some to go to the Police department --- that should strike home. Others to go fly EMB 120's and make 800 a month.

Privatization - not as likely with Obama in office but definately a consideration. Boeing, Lockheed and probably others have plans all layed out so if the government says 'start bidding' all they'll have to do is bid right then implement the plan they've spent x amount of time and money developing.
This isn't the private sector. Once you get in the union is pretty influential in terms of keeping you around. So, layoffs? No. Not gonna happen. Their short people, hence the hiring. And Regan fired them for striking - an illegal act - not because of financial purposes.

That said, while you may not have to worry about being 'furloughed', you do have the following considerations:

Training - will you make it? Many think the notion of sending OTS applicants to level 10, 11 and 12 facilities is, well, retarded. But, they need warm bodies.

Medical - can you keep it? Many do, some don't. But once you're into CPC status then you can probably switch to some other non-saftey position. Every facility has this.

Do you like it - my facility has had NUMEROUS developmentals resign. Some to go to the Police department --- that should strike home. Others to go fly EMB 120's and make 800 a month.

Privatization - not as likely with Obama in office but definately a consideration. Boeing, Lockheed and probably others have plans all layed out so if the government says 'start bidding' all they'll have to do is bid right then implement the plan they've spent x amount of time and money developing.

I'm not sure, but isn't there some sort of Long Term Disability insurance that you have as a controller that, if you were unable to obtain a medical, would pay a certain amount per month. We have it at the airlines and I wasn't sure if they have it at ATC. This really cuts down on the worry of a lost medical.
I did hear about the benefit if your lost your medical not sure if its true, its pretty much just a disability pension in a way...But you just have to worry that you make it to CPC and don't lose your medical while training...In a level 12 it could take up to 5yrs (kind of extreme but possible) for you to complete your training
OK I know I posted previously on my current situation in "PLEASE HELP...I need insight" but my question is what does everyone out there in the aviation field or moving into the aviation field feel about ATC and its job security. With the economy down in the pits and all do you think there might be lay offs come the very near future or like how they did in Regans years as president, etc...Just curious on peoples opinions with this topic

In this environment I think atc is about as safe as one can get... nothing is 100% certain but atc is pretty close. The private sector is a mess at moment and compared to airlines..... job security doesn't even exist when things are going well. A legacy pilot once told me "you never know if you've had a good airline career until the day you retire" I think in atc you might be able to have some confidence in your chosen occupation sometime before you turn 50. Knowing this of course I went the pilot route.... starting to reconsider. My only concern would be privatization, but from what I've heard its unlikely.
The flight surgeon at my PEPC told me that if you fail the medical, which is rare, that there is medical retirement to protect you from being without an income.
No one gets fired for losing their medical. You CAN take a medical retirement, but you certainly don't have to. They have always found work in the FAA for someone who loses medical.