Jeppesen Hiring

I finishing up dispatch school here and I've been told by instructors that they don't really hire anyone with less than 10 years experience. not sure how accurate that is but that's what I've been told. Wish I could help out more!
I believe starting pay is mid 50K - alot of GA and some Russian cargo carrier.

As far as the 10 year experinece, I doubt it as Jep hired a bunch of Frontier dispatchers when F9 moved to IND.
Jeppesen may be a fine company to work for, but keep a couple things in mind - first, they are not an airline, so you would not get any flight or jumpseat benefits. Enough pay would, of course, make up for this, and the starting pay doesn't sound too bad (although DEN is not a low cost of living area either.) Second, Jeppesen has been trying to get contract dispatch authorized in the US for years, enabling them to offer dispatch services to an airline without actually having the dispatchers working for that airline. That would be bad for the profession, and bad for aviation safety, in my opinion. This is more of a personal point of view, but I wouldn't feel comfortable working for a corporation actively attempting to change my job description from "holding joint operational control with the captain" to "some guy in Denver who sends us our flight plan and stuff." Just my opinion - your mileage may vary.