New Member
I am a 15.25 year old Japanese boy who wants to become a airline pilot. I came from Japan 9 years ago. I am doing fine in school and earning a higher than average grade. I currently do not have any working visas or green cards or citizenships. Anyone know a way to get one?This is one of my major problems because if I would like to start traing as a pilot, I would need some type`of work permit so I would be able to work in the U.S and raise money for training. My japanese language skills are about the skills of a current 7th grader in Japan so there are less hopes of I working at a Japanese carrier except for contract work which does not guarantee you would be able to work forever. I am in 10th grade. I would like to be a pilot mostlikely based in Japan. All the Japanese pilot jobs are contracts jobs usually 3 years. I would like an permanent job being based in Japan. If that is not possible Hawaii would be okay but I would preffer being based in Japan. The only place I could think about is United or Northwest which has an NRT hub. The only problem is if I would like to be a 747 or 777 pilot based or flying into Japan as well as asia, I wonder how many years of working in the U.S with United or Northwest I would need to be an 777 or 747 pilot. I mostlikely would like to live in Japan and Hawaii. Any work suggestions? I wonder if there would be room for me to start my own business while I am working as an airline pilot. I also would like to hear recomendation on flight schools in Hawaii. I just don't know if there is any jobs availabe to accept my selfishness.