
Well-Known Member
I have been searching for hours, and I can't find anything to help. Does anyone know of an AC that outliines the process to convert a JAA to FAA? I know that the JAA has an expiration date, and a JAA certified PP wants to convert. His JAA will expire in a few months. What do I need to do training wise to make it legal. He is a great stick, and knows everything I have asked him. Some guidence please (FAR's that I'm not finding?).
Have him do the written, prep him for the PPL checkride and backfill any requirements he might have missed (night flight, for example), and then have him do the ride.

He can also get a US PPL on the basis of his foreign one, but it will only be valid if accompanied by his JAA, so that may not work if he isn't renewing.
Have him do the written, prep him for the PPL checkride and backfill any requirements he might have missed (night flight, for example), and then have him do the ride.

He can also get a US PPL on the basis of his foreign one, but it will only be valid if accompanied by his JAA, so that may not work if he isn't renewing.

3 hours night, 3 hours prep w/in 60 days and the wrotten as the minimum? This is what I have come up with thus far.
Have him do the written, prep him for the PPL checkride and backfill any requirements he might have missed (night flight, for example), and then have him do the ride.

I am not up to date on the FARs in this aspect but this sounds like it would be the way to go. As long as he meets all the requirements to take the practical and has had the 3 hours (if I even remembered this right) of instruction with you in the preceeding 60 days than I wouldn't see a reason to do it any other way. Unless there is a money issue then there might be other options but this to me seems like the most efficient.
3 hours night, 3 hours prep w/in 60 days and the wrotten as the minimum? This is what I have come up with thus far.

Make sure he has charts to verify the distances for any foreign cross-countries he'll be using towards experience requirements.

I specifically mentioned the night requirements because most JAA PPL certs. are day VFR only and your student may thus have no night experience and, more importantly, be lacking the night training required for an FAA PPL.
That question is much more complicated than it seems on the surface (and it looks complicated on the surface). I recommend a call to AOPA and the FSDO. One of the specific questions to ask is what validation will be required from the issuing agency and how to go about getting that.