"Is the juice worth squeeze"


New Member
I am a high school senior who is interested in becoming an air traffic controller. I am wiritng a reserach paper and need to ask a few questions. 1. Where did you receive your training?
2. What are the the pros and cons of your job?
3. What advise you do give someone who is thinking about being an air traffic controller?
4. Is the money worth the stress?

You can either answer this here, or email me privately. Thanks!
Things in the FAA are changing by the minute right now and no one knows what shoe is going to drop next. There are lots of rumors that the next major shoe will be dropping on October 1st. What that will be no one knows for sure, rumors include pay cuts, FAA being absorbed by Homeland Security, we just don't know.

My advice to someone being offered this job right now is to turn it down if you have anything else going on. Many controllers (like myself) have years invested and will have to tough it out and hope for the best, but if you are offered this job you really need to think about it.

As for going to school for ATC make sure you have a plan "B". Do not count on ATC as a career choice, there are just too many unknowns right now. If you are really interested in ATC then do yourself one favor and VOTE for labor this election day. Not democrat, not republican, vote for those who support labor in the United States.

Best of luck to you.
Things in the FAA are changing by the minute right now and no one knows what shoe is going to drop next. There are lots of rumors that the next major shoe will be dropping on October 1st. What that will be no one knows for sure, rumors include pay cuts, FAA being absorbed by Homeland Security, we just don't know.

That is an interesting statement - as a CTI grad in process with the FAA I'm fairly up to speed with the current events and I havn't heard anything like that mentioned yet, at all...??? First the nontract then.....what?
That is an interesting statement - as a CTI grad in process with the FAA I'm fairly up to speed with the current events and I havn't heard anything like that mentioned yet, at all...??? First the nontract then.....what?

There is so much going on behind closed doors you cannot imagine...
The DHS rumor came up after this months briefings... the FAA added something to the job description of ATCS. Instead of a controllers job solely being the separation of air traffic, they added wording to the affect of "support of homeland security." I forget the actual wording ... that in conjunction with some managers warning that the next shoe will be dropping on us October 1st led to speculation.

Though ... I wonder if they could keep something that big a secret.