Is RyanAir trying to lose customers?


Well-Known Member
I just heard on the news that the CEO wants their planes to have credit card swipers put on the restroom doors of their aircraft. I cannot believe they are serious about this. What is this new fad with raping customers??? :confused:
I just heard on the news that the CEO wants their planes to have credit card swipers put on the restroom doors of their aircraft. I cannot believe they are serious about this. What is this new fad with raping customers??? :confused:

Publicity & marketing

Gives the impression that the price you see on Ryan CERTAINLY has to be a rock bottom price because they're even charging to use the lavatory.
If I were him, I'd announce something like "$1 #1's and $2 #2's... and "Poop for free" Fridays"
This is the CEO that insinuated BJs in a "first class" cabin.

Hero? Maybe.
"Terrible sexlife in Germany"

Ryanair is funded by some very dark characters. They will succeed though. The mob loves stuff like this, they probably have 45% of their business only because the company is so utterly tasteless.
"Terrible sexlife in Germany"

Ryanair is funded by some very dark characters. They will succeed though. The mob loves stuff like this, they probably have 45% of their business only because the company is so utterly tasteless.

Funded by dark characterers? It's a listed company.
what an unprofessional tool...

btw, everyone knows the sex life in Germany is pretty bangin':nana2: