Is Pinnacle Hiring?


Well-Known Member
[modhat]Thread title edited.[/modhat]

OK yes, its a bait headline, but yeah, i heard some whispers out at the airport yesterday that pinnacle is about finished and a lot of the CFI's were joking about "oh yeah sure am glad i didnt get on that hiring boom!" (har har)

anyone know details?
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

No offense to you but the thread topic and the jist of what you are saying has no merit and makes you look completely ignorant. Pinnacle is not closing doors- at least in the conceivable future. If you want to start a bashing thread you need to look at the track record- the poster normally ends up looking like a fool because you don't have plain facts straight. CFI's around an airport don't know what is going on. The other aspect is look at your source. On this forum alone there are plenty of people far more in the know than some CFI's that don't work here, don't get the memos, and don't see the day-to-day stuff. Could it be the fact that UND low time CFI's are not getting interviews currently since there are soo many high time (prior 121) folks trying to get another flying job?
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

A lot of us, because our livelihood depends on the company, are a wee bit sensitive to this type of headline.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

No offense to you but the thread topic and the jist of what you are saying has no merit and makes you look completely ignorant. Pinnacle is not closing doors- at least in the near term. If you want to start a bashing thread you need to look at the track record- the poster normally ends up looking like a fool because you don't have plain facts straight.

Thanks higney...saved me some typing.

If you believe every rumor you hear you'll go crazy... these are from just today...UAL is going bye-bye soon, Jet Blue will last another 3 months, Frontier is soon gone, NWA is back in bankruptcy, get the idea??

Right now there is a doom and gloom rumor for every operation it seems. And until something official is released, they are just that, rumors. I really hope you were sincere in trying to find out details, it just didn't come across that way.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

Yea, I don't have anything to do with Peaknuckle but this thread is booooogus.

I'm glad to know our local airport CFI's have this industry figured out, though.

Good thing, since I sure as hell don't.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

I somehow doubt we're on the verge of furlough when I get messages like this in my crewtrak:

I have received your request regarding the above pairing. Unfortunately, I cannot approve it. In order to approve this swap, I would need to have more reserves on the day that you want to drop and fewer on the day that you want to fly. This is not the case. Please try to swap with someone and don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

I somehow doubt we're on the verge of furlough when I get messages like this in my crewtrak:

I have received your request regarding the above pairing. Unfortunately, I cannot approve it. In order to approve this swap, I would need to have more reserves on the day that you want to drop and fewer on the day that you want to fly. This is not the case. Please try to swap with someone and don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Wow....must be a new generation of schedulers!!! When did they start actually responding to requests? Mine always simply said "DENIED" :)
The girl that does the drop/swaps now is has a name that starts with K. She is actually really cool. I met her a few months ago and bought her a starbucks as we talked about the scheduling. She really will try everything to get you what you need and when she can't she gives you the reason and/or possible solution. Better than "Denied due to staffing".

If we get the DL to continue we will continue hiring, if not it will only be a pause for a couple months while everything gets "realigned" with -200 training for the -900 folks. At that point we will be hiring again (at least for attrition which still remains but is obviously much slower now).
I've had very limited interaction with crew scheduling since I'm on a highspeed line and they can't really touch me... but the interaction I have had in the recent past seems like a vast improvement over what I hear it was like only a few short months ago.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

Wow....must be a new generation of schedulers!!! When did they start actually responding to requests? Mine always simply said "DENIED" :)

yea, its gotten a lot better in that regards. She seems very helpful. I havent taken her out for coffee, but I have talked to her on the phone and email. She really tries to help you out.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

No offense to you but the thread topic and the jist of what you are saying has no merit and makes you look completely ignorant. Pinnacle is not closing doors- at least in the conceivable future. If you want to start a bashing thread you need to look at the track record- the poster normally ends up looking like a fool because you don't have plain facts straight. CFI's around an airport don't know what is going on. The other aspect is look at your source. On this forum alone there are plenty of people far more in the know than some CFI's that don't work here, don't get the memos, and don't see the day-to-day stuff. Could it be the fact that UND low time CFI's are not getting interviews currently since there are soo many high time (prior 121) folks trying to get another flying job?

look here. if you think this is a "bashing thread" you need to take a step back and re-read what i asked and wrote.

i said "i heard this... now, you guys who KNOW, is there any merit to it?"

theres absolutely nothing wrong with asking the people who ACTUALLY know the truth to confirm or deny the wild stuff i heard.

i also have no idea how you went on a tangent about low time CFI's or whatever... as my question had absolutely nothing to do with that.
Re: Pinnacle closing the doors!?

look here. if you think this is a "bashing thread" you need to take a step back and re-read what i asked and wrote.

i said "i heard this... now, you guys who KNOW, is there any merit to it?"

theres absolutely nothing wrong with asking the people who ACTUALLY know the truth to confirm or deny the wild stuff i heard.

i also have no idea how you went on a tangent about low time CFI's or whatever... as my question had absolutely nothing to do with that.

For those who were unaware... Your initial thread title was "Pinnacle Closing It's doors" (or something close to that). My negative comments directly related to your thread title (which had every bit of the message that pinnacle was going out of business. Obviously was ridiculous to say because the Mods cleaned up the mess for you. I am not attacking low time CFI's. I was a CFI before I was hired, all I am saying is word being passed around a bunch of CFI's who are now not competitive due to a changing industry should not be viewed as a viable source on a company that may want (or just be willing) to work for. There is plenty on this site about Pinnacle, and plenty who work here and are more than willing to answer specific questions, get info, or simply give an opinion. I always check and respond to PM's if someone has a question that they choose to not start a thread about.
my original thread title was an attention getter, yes, because also what i overheard got my attention!

now the thread title does not reflect the actual question at all. anyway. trash this thread, it has lost any relevance now.
my original thread title was an attention getter, yes, because also what i overheard got my attention!

now the thread title does not reflect the actual question at all. anyway. trash this thread, it has lost any relevance now.

Just try and be more careful next time. With the state of the industry right now, a lot of us are sensitive to a headline like you originally used (and you knowingly admitted it was bait). So, the topic got your attention, but the way you approached the topic here was the wrong thing to do.

You probably would have gotten the same amount of attention if you used the title "Question about Pinnacle" than the one you used...and you probably would have gotten better responses and possibly and answer to your question rather than getting jumped on and the thread getting "trashed".

Lesson here is to just please be a little more careful and sensitive on a topic such as this.
Is higney gunna have to choke a ..... wait a second... My wife says I am no longer allowed to threaten!
Good for her!:D:D

Just kidding!

How is the married life treating you?

She hasn't killed me in my sleep yet and I have not had to call the lawyer. So far so good!:nana2: We are only 2 weeks into this adventure so between a week in Jamaica and my 4-day we have only spent a few days at home under a "normal" scenario. She surprised me one day by cooking, cleaning, and doing wash but I think it was a ploy to get me to buy us the new kitchen set she wanted. Of course when it gets delivered she went off to work and I got to put it all together. Something is wrong with the manipulation here.....:bandit:
She hasn't killed me in my sleep yet and I have not had to call the lawyer. So far so good!:nana2: We are only 2 weeks into this adventure so between a week in Jamaica and my 4-day we have only spent a few days at home under a "normal" scenario. She surprised me one day by cooking, cleaning, and doing wash but I think it was a ploy to get me to buy us the new kitchen set she wanted. Of course when it gets delivered she went off to work and I got to put it all together. Something is wrong with the manipulation here.....:bandit:

Wish I made that much when I was an FO. :) Wait till you upgrade and she sees that CA paycheck.

I had 4 days of reserve, and they used me all 4 days. They tried to JM me twice this month already. We're still running upgrade classes, and they've gone on Sybil on the -900 classes. They're on, then they're off, then they're on again. Rumors abound here right now. I've heard we've got a TA and an extension on the Delta flying within 45 seconds of walking into the crew room yesterday. Anderson himself said Delta is staying in negotiations with Pinnacle, and our FAs have carry-over schedules into August, so I'll believe the Delta op is shutting down when planes get parked. I'll believe the TA rumor when I cast a vote on it.

Point is, anyone tha says "Pinnacle is shutting down" has bad info. Period. Company just borrowed another $20 million for something. If we were shutting down, no one would have lent us that much money. Now, I'm not exactly happy to see us BORROWING money, depending on what it's for. If it's to pay some sort of penalty to Delta to keep the contract, it might be a smart move, though. Same if it's to secure a pilot contract. A bunch of CFIs that sound like they're making up stuff b/c they're bitter they missed out on a hiring boom doesn't really scare me.
She hasn't killed me in my sleep yet and I have not had to call the lawyer. So far so good!:nana2: We are only 2 weeks into this adventure so between a week in Jamaica and my 4-day we have only spent a few days at home under a "normal" scenario. She surprised me one day by cooking, cleaning, and doing wash but I think it was a ploy to get me to buy us the new kitchen set she wanted. Of course when it gets delivered she went off to work and I got to put it all together. Something is wrong with the manipulation here.....:bandit:

Learn this early:

IF , you want to eat and romance , your wife is always right!

No matter what , never argue , just let her always be right.

Seriously :D