Lost Comm in IMC today
Funny we had this thread recently... I had a bunch of 'firsts' today: first solo flight in IMC, first approach to an IFR airport... oh yeah and first lost comm in IMC... my radios quit on climbout into a 900' overcast
Everything was fine in the runup and taxi (and I always check BOTH radios prior to departure).
Takeoff is normal... seemed like just after I left the ground I heard a nice big buzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in my ears.... and nothing more.
Way to much static to make anything out.... nor could I transmit anything. I was supposed to get radar vectors to my initial fix.... didn't happen obviously so I flew to my altitude (timer running for my expected altitude in 10min). I always figure the course to my first fix without vectors, so I already had it in NAV2... turned toward it, made out a 'climb to 3000' from all the noise and acknowledged....
Broke out on top of the clouds and had time to get the transciever connected to my headset (I always keep it ready... but I didn't want to take my eyes and hands off the controls / instruments with the problem combined with just having gone IMC after departure...)
The rest of the flight was pretty much uneventful; I couldn't ID any VORs; everything appeared as it should have though. I did get some crappy vectors onto the ILS... had to chop and drop to get down and intercept the GS; also a nice and late turn onto the LOC.
Broke out at 600 above mins; saw the airport at 400 above minimums, landed an had a nice sigh of relief after taxiing to transient
I take back everything bad I've ever said about transcievers... That flight was tough enough having to fiddle with the xciever and figure everything out; It'd be even harder to not have anyone to talk to; and the good old ICOM actually worked for once (contrary to Murphy).
In hindsight I think I did a good job... my only major mistake was forgetting to squawk 7600; especially when I had to turn direct to my initial fix instead of getting vectored; however I could defend myself: aviate, navigate, communicate... and #1 and 2 were the only thing on my mind at that point. I can definately see how easy it'd be to forget somthing after coping with the stress of one problem, and end up with problems on top of problems.
Another thing that helped was the fact that I had practically memorized the flight; I didn't need to look at my chart to figure everything out after going lost comm and suddenly NOT having the luxiury of radar vectors; plus I had my 'direct to' bearing already set in NAV2.
Alchemy... transcievers are great; I am a newfound believer in them