Interview Troubles

I know what you are feeling. I worked ramp for UA for 4 years. I do "dispatch" at a 91/135 carrier. I thought maybe I could go back to UA and do crew scheduling as a internal way into DX. They didn't want me for crew scheduling, even though my former manager recommended me for rehire. Patience is key. I'm guilty of feeling uneasy about ever getting to a major. It'll happen, but we all have to put in our time to get there. The pandemic led me to the 135 world and it's hard to get out of.
I'll add my 2 cents. Don't give up if this is what you want! I have more than 2 years of DX experience with a regional airline. I interviewed 3 times with a major that I used to work for nearly 2 decades in customer service and still wasn't hired. Honest to God, my first interview with them was a total disaster because I was too green to DX. But I greatly improved with interviews 2 and 3. I also interviewed with WN, B6, LX, and Boeing. Boeing ghosted me, and the others said no dice. I often felt like throwing in the towel, but now I'm glad I didn't. The interviews with my former employer and their subsequent rejections strangely prepared me for the interview I finally nailed. Long story short--don't give up, and keep learning from your mistakes.
great advice thank you and congrats on your successes, friend
With this post quieted down, I wanted to thank each of you who provided their two cents and advice here, particularly those who took the time to dm me as well. Your words go a long way in helping and encouraging me to keep working towards my goals however that may be. It's nice to know this group has good folk who are willing to lend a helping hand. May we all achieve our dreams in this industry one flight at a time.

Clear skies and tailwinds!
I'll just quote @Aeroscout840 here, because I liked his advice...

At your age a job with a major is literally like hitting the lotto. It's a multi-million dollar package when you figure pay, non-rev, etc, etc.. Is your interview "presentation/preparation" of a multi-million dollar quality? Is your network multi-million dollar quality? Best interview advice I ever got was to video myself in a mock interview. Download 20 or so behavioral interview type questions and have a friend ask you questions, and video your answers with your phone. What you see may shock you. It almost always does. This costs nothing. Read every book on networking, listen to every podcast, take a course on how to interview, do a 360 analysis of your self (google it) and you will get that lotto ticket.