Intersections on airways with unlisted course changes?


Well-Known Member
*This may expose me for a complete idiot*

Can anyone reference information concerning intersections on airways with UNLISTED course changes? You know, the ones you see on the LOW charts that visually indicate a minor change in course, but do not offer the new heading.

I'm mainly wondering how accurate 121 guys were prior to the RNAV era. I've flown "green needles (no FMS)" in the CRJ multiple times, but also get the feeling that I'm nowhere near as precise as I am with the FMS.

Thanks, and go easy on me.
but also get the feeling that I'm nowhere near as precise as I am with the FMS.
Yeah no crap.

EWR to IND in the ERJ with no FMS, needle centered (well as centered as they would get...swinging back and forth half scale deflections, then settling down, then swinging back and forth again)..."Uh jetlink what airway are you on?" " guys are pretty far from the center of that one, let me give you a heading".

$25 million buys what exactly? :rolleyes:
Low Chart 33.

Check out V270, V292, etc... there are segments that look like they have course changes, but don't indicate any headings. I know they have to be 2-5 degrees off, but it just seems weird to me.
Do not have that low chart handy, but you should be able to see the radial the course change is on via the VOR the airway is "connected" to. In othe words, when flying towards the upcoming VOR, what radial does that intersection lie on? There is your answer (well the reciprocal is your heading :))
Do not have that low chart handy, but you should be able to see the radial the course change is on via the VOR the airway is "connected" to. In othe words, when flying towards the upcoming VOR, what radial does that intersection lie on? There is your answer (well the reciprocal is your heading :))

I totally agree, but these seem to be course changes that occur between multiple intersections.
Low Chart 33.

Check out V270, V292, etc... there are segments that look like they have course changes, but don't indicate any headings. I know they have to be 2-5 degrees off, but it just seems weird to me.

If you're talking about the segment DNY..CTR, 096 radial to 279 radial, that 3 degrees off, which I would attribute to difference in magnetic variation. If you look at the AFDs, you'll see there's a difference of 4 degrees in the amount of variation of the VORs. If I've done my math right, that only leaves 1 degree difference. Let's just say "rounding error." I don't think there's a bend in this airway segment.