Problem Internet Explorer 10 vs. JC

Does anyone else have an issue with IE10 and JC? I never had a problem before updating to 10, but now that I have I keep getting errors and display problems. All the formatting and pictures go away and all I get is text. It's really hard to navigate and half the time it shows an error when I try to do something. I'm hoping it's just a setting I have to change within IE10 and not something bigger. Any recommendations, fixes, prayers?




Sorry for the poor quality. This is what my screen looks like.
That was actually the first thing I tried. It was still all screwy afterwards, so I just went back to boring IE9. Everything looks great.
That was actually the first thing I tried. It was still all screwy afterwards, so I just went back to boring IE9. Everything looks great.

Looks like it isn't loading the template correctly.