Super User
As some or all of you might know I have talked for months bout moving to PHX to continue my flight training.
Well today I was calling around to FBO's and came across Glendale aviation.
They are a cessna pilot center and rent C-172's and own a Piper Arrow.
Both rent for $105 an hour.
I spoke with the Cheif pilot and he said that the Arrow is available for Instrument training with the proper endorsements.
So with the resent thread on here bout the Piper Arrow I thought I'd ask everyone on here if it'd be a good choice to switch from only having flown 172's to the Arrow for my Instrument rating.
Or should I wait to fly a complex aircraft until my commericial rating.
On the plus side (duh) it's an Arrow it's a complex aircraft a totally new flying experience vs. the 172SP.
Also the chief flight instructor said that both insurance companies and future employers smile on a person with lots of complex time.
My concern is that maybe that airplane might be too much for me to handle for IR training as it is a complex so one would have more items on a checklist to deal with verses someone training on a 172.
So hey let me know the pro's and cons.
Well today I was calling around to FBO's and came across Glendale aviation.
They are a cessna pilot center and rent C-172's and own a Piper Arrow.
Both rent for $105 an hour.
I spoke with the Cheif pilot and he said that the Arrow is available for Instrument training with the proper endorsements.
So with the resent thread on here bout the Piper Arrow I thought I'd ask everyone on here if it'd be a good choice to switch from only having flown 172's to the Arrow for my Instrument rating.
Or should I wait to fly a complex aircraft until my commericial rating.
On the plus side (duh) it's an Arrow it's a complex aircraft a totally new flying experience vs. the 172SP.
Also the chief flight instructor said that both insurance companies and future employers smile on a person with lots of complex time.
My concern is that maybe that airplane might be too much for me to handle for IR training as it is a complex so one would have more items on a checklist to deal with verses someone training on a 172.
So hey let me know the pro's and cons.