Initial Commercial-Multi PIC time logging question

Does it just go on the IACRA form, or does it get listed somehow in the applicant's logbook?

I don't know what it looks like on IACRA, but on the 8710 form, the time is supposed to be put in the PIC column, because there is no column labeled as "performing the duties of pilot in command."

Remember, this whole thing is somewhat of a sham, a rigged process glued on top of the existing regulations solely in order to make it possible to get an initial in a twin. The bureaucracy of the FAA really isn't set up to handle it.
I appreciate your thorough and quick replies :) thank you. Looks like I'll just get my Commercial Multi now and save the cross-country trips for next month.

I'm setting up another PIC column in my logbook that includes only PIC solo time and PIC non-instructional passenger time--so if I ever make it to an airline interview I'll have a PIC total that is more reflective of acting PIC.

And while I'm thinking about how to log time properly, I'm deleting from my logbook PIC column the 9.0 actual instrument hours I flew while an instrument student because then I wasn't yet rated for actual IMC.

Am I missing something here? I looks like you are planning on doing your multi commercial xc's after you get the cmel rating. How can you get the rating without fulfilling the flight requirements?

This might be a little bit late but you can get an endoresment to fulfill the PIC requirements for the rating saught. It is the same endorsement used if you are doing that whole commercial helicopter to commercial airplane non-sense they ask on the CFI initial check ride. I'm not 100% positive on the reg number but I think it is found under 61.31 (D) something...
Good question--I've fulfilled all the requirements for initial Commercial multi already, including the X-Cs. I'm taking my flight test soon so that after I pass it I can log all subsequent time as PIC (I'm planning on flying about 90 more hours of X-C.)
...but you need the x-c in the type you are applying for. Do you have the x-c in a single or multi?

Hi Brian,
Not sure I understand your question...I flew the required X-Cs for my initial Comm. (Multi.) with my instructor in the twin. I want to get my ticket asap so that I can log the remaining twin time I've paid for as PIC.
Quick question - can a private pilot log ME time in his logbook to count towards total time if he does not hold a MEL, but is flying right seat with a ME pilot?
Quick question - can a private pilot log ME time in his logbook to count towards total time if he does not hold a MEL, but is flying right seat with a ME pilot?
No...............unless that other ME pilot is an MEI and is giving instruction to the PPL........