Info about Mesa pilot training

Hey I went and checked it out. It looks like a great place, but what flight school doesn't. I'm going to call them today and find out some more information. Thank you for bring this flight school to my attention. I looks like they just opened it last Janurary of 2000. I love
Zachman, let me know what you find out about the school.........maybe we can go together
Yea....I tried calling but no answer. I will try later today or tomorrow. I'm planning on going there either spring 2004, summer 2004, or fall 2004. I first choose to finish my college degree first! Get back to me bro!

It is either between there in midland or farmington. It is mesa all the way!!!!
Well, I plan on starting at the end of the summer....where ever I choose. I just graduated from college in Dec with a 4 year degree in Finance. So, I might be a little bit ahead of you by then, but then maybe I can give you some sound advice or maybe even help you get a job know what they say "it's all about networking"
All of you should save about 30K and check into Accelerated flight school in PHX. I know of several pilots who went through the program and are flying CRJs. Just a little inside info for you. Good luck!
My only concern with Accelerated is, just how difficult is it to take the writtens without having any flight time at all. It just seems like this would be extremely difficult.....any thoughts on this would be great!
you know....accelerated sounds like a great school. But I want a direct focus and something to shoot for. They can't guarentee the number of hours I can instruct. I'm also have to pay for this myself and they are not federally recognized. Their aircraft our old, which doesn't mean anything, but when I'm going to be up there flying, I feel I need some kind of security. Accelerated is controled under a Class D airspace, which doesn't allow for my ATC work and heavy track. Plus, I feel that I wouldn't be giving myself a fare opportunity with networking. I would pretty much have to this all myself, which might delay my time with getting the regionals. Personally, I feel accelerated isn't the best option for me. However, for some of you it might. I my advice is to do what is comfortable for you!! Not only at Mesa am I getting a 2 year degree in applied science, but I'm getting trained by a regional airline and to their standards. So there is my 2 cents!! later
Sorry for the grammar errors.....English isn't my strong suit. But I wanted to address another point. I really feel that money shouldn't be an issue. For some of you it might because you are very good with money, however, I'm not. So saving 30K sounds good, but honestly, all of us are going to be in debt sometime in our lives. Why not just go big and choose the school that suites us the best, instead of focusing on how much can I save!!
Hey, any of you guys decided on Midland? Any word on when they are getting delivery of their "Mooney Masters"? It seems like the best choice for me, given Mesa (the company) looks ok...