you know....accelerated sounds like a great school. But I want a direct focus and something to shoot for. They can't guarentee the number of hours I can instruct. I'm also have to pay for this myself and they are not federally recognized. Their aircraft our old, which doesn't mean anything, but when I'm going to be up there flying, I feel I need some kind of security. Accelerated is controled under a Class D airspace, which doesn't allow for my ATC work and heavy track. Plus, I feel that I wouldn't be giving myself a fare opportunity with networking. I would pretty much have to this all myself, which might delay my time with getting the regionals. Personally, I feel accelerated isn't the best option for me. However, for some of you it might. I my advice is to do what is comfortable for you!! Not only at Mesa am I getting a 2 year degree in applied science, but I'm getting trained by a regional airline and to their standards. So there is my 2 cents!! later