I want out..

Don't worry, there are 10 more in line behind you to take your job. :)

What is next for you then?

Those 10 can have it.

Was your dance that bad???

Of course, you can always displace yourself then take the money and run! :)

LOL.. Nah, the dance was cake.. :) I'm just sick of this garbage.. The whole entire airline thing is just blah to me now. ;)
Join me, I'm going to the railroads. Same crappy QOL, but with benefits, quality pay, and they ACTUALLY LET YOU SLEEP ON REST... no phone calls... no weird text messages.
Move up the food chain, it improves.

I know if Skyway were still around and I was still there, I'd probably be upstairs, drunk as a monkey, playing Call of Duty.

Wait, that actually sounds good.

Um, ahem...

I know if Skyway were still around and I was still there after all these years, I'd be seeing that fat occupational therapist from Office Space and telling crew scheduling a few days later that I wasn't going to be in on Saturday and where they can stuff their TPS reports.
Just wanted to say it publicly.. The airlines are for the birds..

Can I ask what you don't like? I am also changing careers. I know I am going to miss flying quite a bit, but for me it is about the lifestyle. I know things could improve, but they also could go the other direction as well.

I actually can't wait to quit being MADE to fly, and do it for enjoyment. I am surprised how much I miss GA flying.
Move up the food chain, it improves.

I know if Skyway were still around and I was still there, I'd probably be upstairs, drunk as a monkey, playing Call of Duty.

Wait, that actually sounds good.

Um, ahem...

I know if Skyway were still around and I was still there after all these years, I'd be seeing that fat occupational therapist from Office Space and telling crew scheduling a few days later that I wasn't going to be in on Saturday and where they can stuff their TPS reports.

Thats the problem. Likely, many of these guys are going to go no higher than the regionals, for one reason or another.
Can I ask what you don't like? I am also changing careers. I know I am going to miss flying quite a bit, but for me it is about the lifestyle. I know things could improve, but they also could go the other direction as well.

I actually can't wait to quit being MADE to fly, and do it for enjoyment. I am surprised how much I miss GA flying.

Ah, well where to start..

The biggest thing - the lifestyle. I hare being gone.. I just had twin girls and that only served to cement my lack of desire to be gone all the time..

Next would be the level of uncertainty.. I've been at 2 airlines in my short career, risen relatively well in seniority on my respect list only to have it all fall "apart." Made it to #1 on the list once upon a time.. LOL I refuse to move and almost refuse to commute.. Self imposed sanctions on myself.. I work to live, not live to work and see no reason to move for a job..

Next would have to be pay.. Just tired of watching all my high school friends rise above me on the career totem pole.. I say high school friends because they have no degree and are making 3 and 4 times what I do.. Raising families, living life.. Not scratching by hoping their base doesn't close..

Oh well else... Job prospects? I never thought when I was learning I'd get stuck at a regional.. 7 years later.. I'm an FO at a regional with 0.0 of 121 PIC..

Since I refuse to move and refuse to commute again, prospective employers are few and far between.. Big Purple is about it,.

I'm beat down and tires of being a regional FO.. I'd gladly do something else.. Thought I go out over a year ago... Obviously not..

Without still flying GA, there is no way I could do this job. A to B over and over.. Bore. Ring. LOL

The airlines... An awesome job, a pretty lousy career.. ;)
The airlines... An awesome job, a pretty lousy career.. ;)

That's why for now I'm going to the Railroad. They pay for your time, especially if you're out on the road and can't get home. QOL sucks some days, but they make up for it overall. Airlines tend to just say "that's what you get." Besides the pay for the RR is what the airlines should be, and used to be. I'm still flying on the side, in rental aircraft when I want to. I enjoy flying way more like that.
That's why for now I'm going to the Railroad. They pay for your time, especially if you're out on the road and can't get home. QOL sucks some days, but they make up for it overall. Airlines tend to just say "that's what you get." Besides the pay for the RR is what the airlines should be, and used to be. I'm still flying on the side, in rental aircraft when I want to. I enjoy flying way more like that.

A good friend of my wife is on the RR.. Maybe I need to look into it...
A good friend of my wife is on the RR.. Maybe I need to look into it...

do it. im there as well. the pay and benefits cant be beat. also the best retirement system in america. we dont pay social security, so it will be there when you retire.
do it. im there as well. the pay and benefits cant be beat. also the best retirement system in america. we dont pay social security, so it will be there when you retire.

Where can I find rates, pay scales, etc?
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one thinking of bailing. 7 years at a regional and 4 flying charter, and the only place I really want to be is home with my wife & 10-month-old daughter. I'm trying to get a sim instructor job in PHX to satisfy my hunger for aviation while giving me that time at home that I want, and also looking at a few "big" airlines in hopes of better schedules. It's not an easy choice to make, but I can honestly say that, while furloughed last summer, I did not miss work.
What's better?

Just a generational shift. No one truly enjoys work 24/7, but poverty is worse than a job one doesn't truly enjoy.

I'm sure my dad didn't like working in a milk production factory either, but it allowed him to raise and support a family.

I hate getting out of bed to go work, but if I want to keep all of my stuff, I need to find methods of maximizing the tools I have in front of me which, well, the alternative being a dumpster diver, commuting to JFK is a comparatively simple choice.

If anyone has the perfect profession where effort < compensation, loads of days off, great vacation packages and not having to deal with people with half your experience or knowledge that have more power than me telling me what to do, let me know because I'm applying today! :)

The airline business is not perfect in any way, but we've all got to make a living and it's the least disgusting method I have of doing that. Career satisfaction is someone you look back on after you retire and qualify if you've had it or not.
What's better?

Flying 9 to 5.. ;)

I've got my name near the top of the prospect list with a local Part 91 corporate gig that is as close to perfect as it can get..

In my home town..
$75k a year..
3 days a week..
No weekends/holidays/overnights...

Just gotta wait out my buddy who is doing it now. Retiring in a coupla'three years..
That's why for now I'm going to the Railroad.

Which one? I've had my junk in at NS for a couple of months for a conductor position. My brother is a trainmaster up in Muncie, IN thats helping me through the (painfully) slow process. Where are you at in your process?
a local Part 91 corporate gig that is as close to perfect as it can get..

Perfect...right up until the business goes under...or a new boss gets hired...or they decide to change those cherry "no weekends/holidays" etc. If anything, corporate gigs are less stable and put long-term plans in more potential turbulence than a Part 121 job.

As has been said, chasing greener pastures is a losing bid. Hope it works for you, but the "brass ring" isn't out there unless you decide to make it happen.
Perfect...right up until the business goes under...or a new boss gets hired...or they decide to change those cherry "no weekends/holidays" etc.

Yep.. Could happen.. Definitely something to consider.. Could happen almost the same way 121.

Made it to #1 FO on the list - we went out of business..

Current company? I'm easily in the upper third on my side of the list. I'll be losing 50 guys below me in April. Then I get to deal with an SLI that will most likely put guys several YEARS junior to me, on my seniority level...

Just tired of it really.. From your position, one that most of us would gladly trade with you, it's easy to give advice. You're a fighter pilot. You'll never get stuck at a regional..

With that said, the corporate Gig im looking at, in an era of downsizing flight departments, they expanded their department..

If anything, corporate gigs are less stable and put long-term plans in more potential turbulence than a Part 121 job.

Yep. Big reason why I stopped flying corporate and went 121.

As has been said, chasing greener pastures is a losing bid.

Not really trying to chase. I just passed on a left seat Phenom job at an upstart 135 because I know how quickly 135 come and go..

I'm unhappy with my chosen career and i don't see it improving too terribly much.

I'm still young enough to change and not have it cut my throat. I can quit my job right now and get a raise by running bags through the Xray machine, rather than being subjected to it..