I really miss flying....


Well-Known Member
Since I can remember I've loved aviation. My grandfather was a private pilot and he always had so much to say about aviation. He worked for Pan Am in Miami FL. Im not exactly sure what he did for them but it was some kind of office work. I remember a few times we drove over to MIA to watch the concord land or takeoff. That was so cool. Especially for a young kid. My second cousin flew F-14's. One year he flew down to Homestead Air Force base and we met him down there and somehow we got to meet him on the tarmac there. It was him and his jet with another F-14. I barely remember, I was young. But I do remember I got to sit in the cockpit! Then while they were taxiing for take off, they turned both F-14's towards us, stopped, and bowed their nose's. And then they lined up and thundered away. Fast forward 11 years, when I was 16, and I soloed in a 152. Unfortunately being young with no money, and basically just being a 16 year old, getting my certificate got put on hold. Fast forward another 10 years!! and i finally get my pilots licence in 2006. About 2 years later I starting developing stomach problems. And in 2009 i was diagnosed with crohns disease. It really put a damper on flying. I couldn't enjoy it anymore because i was always in pain. And then it got to the point where I decided not to fly because quite frankly it was taking away from my concentration while flying and I just didnt feel safe anymore. My last flight was in Oct of 2011. Me and my dad flew down the coast from LNA down to Tamiami Executive Airport (TMB) and we meet his parents for lunch. I miss flying...

Here is why I posted this in pictures though. Back in 2005 I was able to get the job of being a photographer (my other hobby) by hanging (not really, i just sat there with no door) out of a R-22 and a 182. It was a great experience though!! Me and another photographer with a pilot traveled around the Washington state and the Great Lakes. US and Canadian shores. We photographed marine interest. We traveled in an RV and we would stay in RV parks along are route. If there was room at the park and the owners allowed us we would land the helicopter there. We were always the talk of the RV parks if we did this, naturally. But man it was awesome to see so many places in the US and Canada from an R-22. Here are some of the pics I took.

the pilot preflighting. We landed at this RV park.

Lonely tree

Some kind of race in Oregon

Washington state

I can't believe tis is in Michigan. Sleeping bear dunes.


On the coast of one of the Great Lakes
Boat lift. Works like an elevator, not a lock.




Yep thats me..don't ask.. I have hair now and normal looking sun glasses..

Looks like it could be a tropical destination. Its the great lakes.
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An RV park we stayed at.

Just cruising by...


This is usually how we were greeted if we landed at an RV park. Such great people this earth has!
These are some really cool shots man. It sucks that you can't fly, but you have found another calling and you're still around aviation. Keep up the good work.
Great shots. Operating the appliance is cool (I still like it, anyway), but so is taking great pictures and being alive, engaged, and interested in things (to the point where you want to great pictures of them). I suspect you're doing better for yourself than you know. In any case, thanks for sharing!
@fast89pony Not meaning to be too nosy......but how is your Crohns doing now? Have you tried a medicine called Lialda? This medicine was developed for ulcerative colitis and other gastro issues. It can work very well on Crohns, (and also with diet management which is essential, as you know) often completely healing the areas where the disease is and putting many patients into remission. Many Gastro docs have prescribed it for Crohns and had incredible results. It has also been know to heal and put into remission very severe colitis. That is what prompted forward thinking doctors to first try it on their Crohns patients. It is very low on side effects as well and can heal terrible inflammation issues. Talk to your doctor about this medicine. You should at least try it. And you can get a SI for Lialda from the FAA. If the medicine is too expensive for you, the drug manufacture (Shire) has a program for that and you can get it free or very low cost as it is pricey. This drug has saved many careers. :)

There may be hope for you getting back into flying. There are commercial pilots out there flying with this disease, with a 1st class, with a SI and with the disease under control. I know a doctor here who is on staff at Hoag hospital who prescribes this medicine for Crohns, that your doctor can contact to learn more and they can at least discuss your case/history. He is Board certified in Gastroenterology , and Internal Medicine, specializes in diseases of the intestines and colon and is brilliant. Herbert H. Lee in Irvine, Ca. I don't know your situation, or how severe or under control your Crohns is at this point, but this is something to consider.
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Thank you for the Navy Port shot in Everett. I remember the trails you could walk in just South of the shot angle.
@fast89pony Not meaning to be too nosy......but how is your Crohns doing now? Have you tried a medicine called Lialda? This medicine was developed for ulcerative colitis and other gastro issues. It can work very well on Crohns, (and also with diet management which is essential, as you know) often completely healing the areas where the disease is and putting many patients into remission. Many Gastro docs have prescribed it for Crohns and had incredible results. It has also been know to heal and put into remission very severe colitis. That is what prompted forward thinking doctors to first try it on their Crohns patients. It is very low on side effects as well and can heal terrible inflammation issues. Talk to your doctor about this medicine. You should at least try it. And you can get a SI for Lialda from the FAA. If the medicine is too expensive for you, the drug manufacture (Shire) has a program for that and you can get it free or very low cost as it is pricey. This drug has saved many careers. :)

There may be hope for you getting back into flying. There are commercial pilots out there flying with this disease, with a 1st class, with a SI and with the disease under control. I know a doctor here who is on staff at Hoag hospital who prescribes this medicine for Crohns, that your doctor can contact to learn more and they can at least discuss your case/history. He is Board certified in Gastroenterology , and Internal Medicine, specializes in diseases of the intestines and colon and is brilliant. Herbert H. Lee in Irvine, Ca. I don't know your situation, or how severe or under control your Crohns is at this point, but this is something to consider.

Interesting. I don't think I have heard of that drug before. I will definately look into it. Im just so tired of trying different drugs. More often than not they seem to make me more sick then feel better... Thank you so much for the info and support!
Not a problem. I assume you were scoped and or had the test where you swallow a capsule that has a tiny camera in it that sends images and videos back to the hospital so they know exactly where the affected area(s) are? And have you changed/modified your diet? I hope that you get the opportunity to try this drug. And like I said, if money is an issue, here is the link for the patient assistance program at Shire for Lialda. http://www.shire.com/shireplc/en/contactus/patientassistance Also stress and fatigue can cause a flare up and exacerbate your symptoms. Don't give up. You just need an experienced specialist who treats this disease, who keeps up with the latest research and who will work with you. Let me know what happens. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. BTW, your photos are really terrific.