I love my job but family comes first....


Well-Known Member
I was lucky to start my aviation career right into the corporate world flying right seat on the airplane I always dreamed of flying, Pilatus PC-12. After 11 months of turning wrenches and washing the airplanes I got on the Right seat full time and later upgraded to the Left seat. For the past 5 1/2 years, this hasn't been a job, I just get paid to do what I love. Last year my wife was diagnosed with cancer and my priorities changed. Luckily it was caught somewhat early and she is now 13 months cancer-free.

Unfortunately the company I currently work for only provides a monthly small allowance to pay for an individual insurance plan and even though she was healthy and covered before she was diagnosed, now not a single individual plan will cover her for less than $1300 or cover her at all, our only option is a Group Plan.

I am probably going to move to the 121 world just so she gets insurance (still have no idea where to apply), I can not afford to let her coverage lapse and I will do whatever I need to do to make sure she is taken care of. The pay cut is well over 50% but hopefully I can supplement that income with a side job and rearrange things for a year or so.

I don't want political discussions and don't want to sound like I am complaining. I love my wife and love my career but sometimes you need to take a small step sideways for the sake of security.

Sorry about the rant....just needed to vent a bit.
I am so sorry to hear about the whole issue that you are facing right now man. That has to be extremely hard. It is great news to hear that your wife has been cancer free for several months now. I will definitely say a prayer for you and your family for getting through this difficult time, and for a successful transition to the 121 world.
I appreciate all the kind words everyone. Still looking at our options, change is always a bit scary. I understand 121 doesn't have the best benefits anymore but anything is better than no insurance at all; this until we have more "cancer free" years so we can go back to individual plans.

Thank you all again,

I get that there are other factors at play, but it sounds like the pay cut would be more than paying the inflated insurance costs. Would the new plan be worth the difference? I don't understand the insurance world so it may very well be.
I've always found the 121 world to offer great benefits. Most pilots don't realize how good they have it in the area of health insurance.

That was true for us at Island Air but I was surprised how some of the other carriers couldn't stack up to what we had in the islands.
I get that there are other factors at play, but it sounds like the pay cut would be more than paying the inflated insurance costs. Would the new plan be worth the difference? I don't understand the insurance world so it may very well be.

Mat, you make a good point the issue is that this high risk plan is just for her and if I add my coverage/dental it will be about 1500 per moth for both. It kind of evens out; what I never mentioned is that I drive 4 hours to and 4 hours back from work (luckily I get longer trips so I only do this maybe 6 times a moth or so). Makes sense? I don't want you to think I am dismissing your comment, trust me I am considering all options available.
I think you're making a wise decision. In the grand scheme of things, a career lasts a few years, but your family is for life.

You mentioned turning wrenches, do you have your A&P? Where are you located now?
I think you're making a wise decision. In the grand scheme of things, a career lasts a few years, but your family is for life.

You mentioned turning wrenches, do you have your A&P? Where are you located now?

I unfortunately don't. I was an apprentice but then got too busy flying and couldn't continue. We live in Wilmington, NC
just shy of 2500TT most of it Turbine (on the PC-12), about 120ME (most of it on C550). I got the written done but no ATP yet. .

The place I was thinking about requires more ME time. As Boris suggested, I would definitely throw a resumé at AMC. The EMS life IS NOT a time building gig, but the pay/benefits are alright and the schedule is better than the regionals. I'll keep my eyes and ears open and let you know if I hear of anything. Best of luck.
The place I was thinking about requires more ME time. As Boris suggested, I would definitely throw a resumé at AMC. The EMS life IS NOT a time building gig, but the pay/benefits are alright and the schedule is better than the regionals. I'll keep my eyes and ears open and let you know if I hear of anything. Best of luck.

I appreciate the heads-up....I will definitely keep that in mind, same as Boris said. Thank you all again....
I am sorry to hear this and am glad she has been cancer free. Unless the government kills things, she can get insurance 1/2014.
I've always found the 121 world to offer great benefits. Most pilots don't realize how good they have it in the area of health insurance.
Agreed, My fiance and I were looking at which plan we were going to go with after our wedding in a week or so, she was very shocked at how good mine is compared to her's or plans she has had in the past working for some VERY large companies.

On that note, good luck to you!