I Hate This Industry

Best of luck with your future non-aviation endeavors. I have a pretty good idea of how you feel. I am exploring all of my options right now, including those outside of the aviation industry.
Well, I'm glad you didn't go through with the GoJet interview, even if your attitude about it could use some improvement. You should be proud of yourself for having a little dignity and self-respect. As you said, you're young and have plenty of time. You can still have a great career in this industry. Don't let one downturn in the industry turn you away from a dream of flying for a living. The industry will improve (probably soon, if oil continues to drop), and things will back to gangbusters in no time. I've seen a few industry cycles already. Take my word for it: things will get better.

Congratulations on not making the biggest mistake of your life. Although you may not believe it now, you'll look back on this and thank everyone here for their sound advice. Good luck in whatever you end up doing.

He didn't go to the interview not because it would have been the "biggest mistake of his life" He didn't go because he's tired of dealing with retarded people in this lame industry and the hypocracy of it all.
He didn't go to the interview not because it would have been the "biggest mistake of his life" He didn't go because he's tired of dealing with retarded people in this lame industry and the hypocracy of it all.

Eh, you say potAto, I say potato.
We're all too caught up in our egos and trying to pretend to be a better person than the next guy. I should not have to feel guilty about getting a job. Thanks to all of you guys, I probably just ended my flying career. My dream since I was probably about 5 years old is done. All I ever wanted to do was follow in my dad's (RIP) footsteps and become a pilot.

Things will turn around, and like people have said, there will be jobs again in a few years. I wouldn't say anyone's career has to be over, but the real question is will the jobs be worth having? There will be more lifers than ever at the regionals in the coming years, so why not just hold out for a top tier place long term? For example, I was looking at Lynx but after seeing the payrates, per diem, and work rules that's no longer an option. The main thing I learned from "Waterskiing" is that everything just turns into a job anyway, so there's no sense in being too dramatic.