How much money do you make a year?


Well-Known Member
How much money do you make a year? Including Overtime, Holiday? Our FBO is a full maitenance provider, you can make around $30,000 a year plus overtime. We have had line guys make $55,000 before! What do you guys make? I made $17,000 last year cause I was part time.
How much money do you make a year? Including Overtime, Holiday? Our FBO is a full maitenance provider, you can make around $30,000 a year plus overtime. We have had line guys make $55,000 before! What do you guys make? I made $17,000 last year cause I was part time.

That's in the ballpark for what I've been making at working line part time.
ZDante, where do you work? I want a job there!

My W2s say I made just under $21,000 last year working full time for about 48 weeks at a Class C field.

The sad thing is, even with my ###### wage I still would make less in a year flying the planes as opposed to fueling them.
ZDante, where do you work? I want a job there!

My W2s say I made just under $21,000 last year working full time for about 48 weeks at a Class C field.

The sad thing is, even with my ###### wage I still would make less in a year flying the planes as opposed to fueling them.

Heck I made under 20k last year and that's from both line and flying work. :banghead: However, I should note that it was part time. I can't wait until I can get the chance to have a higher paying job.
I didn't work a full year, but at the rate I was being paid, I would have made 17,420 after taxes. Not including tips. And that's full time :buck:
110K....But I am not an instructor, just a student pilot PAYING my instructor, which is one of the best..........:)
How much money do you make a year? Including Overtime, Holiday? Our FBO is a full maitenance provider, you can make around $30,000 a year plus overtime. We have had line guys make $55,000 before! What do you guys make? I made $17,000 last year cause I was part time.

That's in the ballpark of what I make full-time gross. I've had jobs where I've made significantly more, but in today's economy and being in an industry that I love, I'm definitely not griping too loudly.