Houston Speed Limit Test


New Member
For those that fly out of the Houston area, got this from NBAA. Effective January 1st, the FAA will terminate the speed limit test program that had been running for several years. This test allowed departing aircraft to climb at speeds in excess of 250 knots below 10,000 msl.

Remember to keep it at 250 in Houston from now on, everybody.

No problem here!
Yeah, not here either. The -200 will indicate 250 in a steep descent (and I've done it, in smooth air of course) but that's it. I was passing it along for those on the board who do have to TRY to keep it under 250.

I did HOU twice last week, its a hoot to be doing 300 + ( in the climb ) below 10K. I'll be sorry to see the test end.
I did HOU twice last week, its a hoot to be doing 300 + ( in the climb ) below 10K. I'll be sorry to see the test end.

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Shoot, Half the time they won't let us go over 250 ABOVE 10,000'. Maybe we should paint all the RJs yellow with flashing lights on the back

Just kidding.......
Apparently the new 70 seat RJ's are better climb performers, but man, what a pain in the rump when you depart behind one.

In the -88, typically it's 250 until about 10,000, then between 320 and 335 until about FL250, and then about .76 to .78 to cruise altitude. And the mad dog is as quiet on the ground as it is in the air... Aaah!

We'd fly the 737-200 above 250 below 10,000 feet going into FLL, but that thing was like sitting in a vacuum cleaner that low and fast. Aeigh!
Impressive performance, What do you guys cruise at? My general climb is 250 untill .67 hold that to alt. then cruise at .80 - .82 ( depending on temp + weight ).
Any guesses if the 250+ speeds from the east helped or hindered the traffic jam in FLL?

FAA's Traffic Management Delays Flights Up To 5 Hours
Too Many Planes, Not Enough Airspace

"It's caught everyone by surprise. They're saying it's too many planes that want to come to Fort Lauderdale, so they're holding them at airports around the country."

So said Jim Reynolds, spokesman for Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, after the FAA imposed a traffic management stop on all flights to the airport Friday. Sheesh, and it's not even Spring Break yet.

The stop affected more than two dozen flights headed for Florida from around the country. Seems there were just too many planes trying to squeeze into not-enough-airspace. In many cases, there were simply too many corporate aircraft trying to get to Florida. Most affected was the route between JFK and Fort Lauderdale. It's already the busiest route on the East Coast. Burgeoning traffic at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood has made it the fastest growing airport in the nation.

Reynolds said the airport expected approximately 390,000 passengers between last Tuesday and this coming Monday. If that prediction holds, it would mean a mind-boggling growth rate of six-percent over last year.

The delays experienced Friday were made worse by the nation's elevated terror threat assessment level. Bomb-sniffing dogs, random vehicle searches and stepped-up concourse security all added to commercial flight delays.

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Yeah, we have several flights the go FLL-MCO daily, then onto parts elsewhere. Generally there are a TON of transfer bags coming off the FLL planes, so for two days transfer schedules were totally screwed. I had one flight come in THREE HOURS late from FLL-MCO the other day. Normally there are transfer bags for about 7 different flights off that one. All of those flights were gone before that plane left the ground in FLL, so every one of those pax had to be re-routed. Talk about a customer service headache! I think ATC may have been understaffed in the Miami area. With the holidays, who knows how many sick calls and vacations they had.
Impressive performance, What do you guys cruise at? My general climb is 250 untill .67 hold that to alt. then cruise at .80 - .82 ( depending on temp + weight ).

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250 to 10,000
300/.80 the rest of the way up.
If you set the VSI on about 1300 fpm at 10K, we'll accelerate all the way to cruise alt. By then, we are climbing at about .88M

Imagine being in position on the runway and seeing an airliner (contrail) in cruise. Now, imagine taking off and catching that airliner. (And not being in an aircraft that carries an "F" designation.
And the mad dog is as quiet on the ground as it is in the air... Aaah!

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Not from 35A....................Aeigh!
I guess the Dojet is one up on you guys. We can easily climb at 265-280 indicated. Keeping it to 250 usually yields 2000-3500 fpm depending on loads and temps.
We usually climb out at 67kts to pattern altitude then throttle back level off and cruise at about .145 (95kts)....

Impressive performance, What do you guys cruise at? My general climb is 250 untill .67 hold that to alt. then cruise at .80 - .82 ( depending on temp + weight ).

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Anywhere from .75 to .79 depending on the cost index in the FMS.

Not from 35A....................Aeigh!

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Oh I know!

If you think the first row of first class is quiet, the cockpit is even quieter. You can hear a circuit breaker pop (believe me!) at .79 mach.
At .82 and above I'm glad I've got a set of ANR headsets in the 727. I used to fly with just an ear piece, but not anymore. The ANR still lets the voice freqs of the rest of the crew through while cancelling the slipstream roar.
Noise in the cockpit is based on IAS, not mach number. You'll find it's pretty quiet at FL510, even when trucking along at .82.