Holy Smoke...


I'm here to help...
KICT 090353Z 11012KT 3SM FU BKN200 14/M01 A2971 RMK AO2 SLP054 T01441011

3SM due to intentional burnoff of the Flint Hills to the north east of ICT, even got down to 2SM earlier today. Just wondering... does any other place get this bad of smoke cover from intentional burnoffs of fields? Seems like an awful lot of pollution just to clear some empty land, but what do I know, I'm sure its needed for something (farming or cattle grazing).
I see it in ORF all the time, but have never noticed effected visibility because of it. It's from ships there anyway. 2-3 SM is crazy though.
KICT 090353Z 11012KT 3SM FU BKN200 14/M01 A2971 RMK AO2 SLP054 T01441011

3SM due to intentional burnoff of the Flint Hills to the north east of ICT, even got down to 2SM earlier today. Just wondering... does any other place get this bad of smoke cover from intentional burnoffs of fields? Seems like an awful lot of pollution just to clear some empty land, but what do I know, I'm sure its needed for something (farming or cattle grazing).

Um, come to Florida some time. During a dry year we get fires all the time that aren't manmade and sugar cane fires (that are manmade). Lowers the vis to 3SM or less if it blows over an airport with an ASOS. The environment can handle a little fire/smoke etc just fine.
KICT 090353Z 11012KT 3SM FU BKN200 14/M01 A2971 RMK AO2 SLP054 T01441011

3SM due to intentional burnoff of the Flint Hills to the north east of ICT, even got down to 2SM earlier today. Just wondering... does any other place get this bad of smoke cover from intentional burnoffs of fields? Seems like an awful lot of pollution just to clear some empty land, but what do I know, I'm sure its needed for something (farming or cattle grazing).

Yeah, I was flying into HRO and it went down to 1 SM.

Um, come to Florida some time. During a dry year we get fires all the time that aren't manmade and sugar cane fires (that are manmade). Lowers the vis to 3SM or less if it blows over an airport with an ASOS. The environment can handle a little fire/smoke etc just fine.

Um, come to Florida some time. During a dry year we get fires all the time that aren't manmade and sugar cane fires (that are manmade). Lowers the vis to 3SM or less if it blows over an airport with an ASOS. The environment can handle a little fire/smoke etc just fine.

I was in sugar-cane fire IMC last month. Has a funny smell. The fires can also form clouds, which is kind of weird.
Um, come to Florida some time. During a dry year we get fires all the time that aren't manmade and sugar cane fires (that are manmade). Lowers the vis to 3SM or less if it blows over an airport with an ASOS. The environment can handle a little fire/smoke etc just fine.

Maybe its the same there also, but this isnt just some guy burning off a field next to an airport... this extended over the town of Wichita and as far south as Derby and north to Newton... about a 60 mile wide area. But maybe this is the case in FL also, either way its pretty crazy... had to cancel the last half of a lesson yesterday it got so thick.
Happens every spring in the area. Flying at night is kinda fun, lots of pretty fire lights to look at! lol
The land surrounding Lake Drummond, about 30 miles southwest of ORF in the Great Dismal Swamp, was burning for about 3 months straight. All it took was a wind shift for the METAR to go from 10 and clear to 1 mile and smoke. I actually watched it rain ash one night after I got back from a trip. I also had to shoot an ILS one afternoon only to pop out on short final where it was 10 and clear.

One of the tropical storms finally put it out.
Bringing a 206 back from Georgia a few weeks ago we got into smoke over MO for a good 2 hours. A storm had come through the night before and set MO ablaze. The only direction you could see was straight down. Never thought I would log actual because of smoke......