Hiring of DCA grads?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone comment on this? How accurate is it?

Here is DCA’s own written word in the magazine ads and website.

"Even in today’s job market, 97% of our graduates are hired as First Officers!*"

The asterisk * small print at the bottom of ads reads:
“* 728 out of 754 students who completed the entire program through August 2003”. Wow, that is fantastic, don’t you know? DCA has been in business since 1987, which is 16 years. If you divide 728 by that 16 years you only get 45.5 students per year, or 3 students per month on average, that graduate. This means less than 6% of their students make it as First Officers."

It was posted on this DCA thread:
Yep, that's what it says alright. When I asked , not going mention his name, but if you ever called and asked for information from DCA I'm sure you know who I'm talking about because he calls all the time, I asked him the same question and I never did get a straight answer except, " Well, there are many factors regarding a student not completing the program here, but I'm sure, from me speaking with you, that you won't have any problem completing the program and being hired within 18 months". So, after several phone calls, both from me and to me, I have decided not to attened DCA. But maybe you will be in that 6% that does get lucky enough to finish and get hired. Best of luck to ya.
Believe me, there are many people who don't make it throught the entire program. Many run out of funds and have to leave. Once your account goes below a certain monetary level, you are grounded till you can bring it back up above the level. You will be given some time off to try to get some more funding, but if at the end of that period of time you do not have the funding, you are disenrolled from the school. Some leave to go to another FBO, for cheaper instruction. Some find that they weren't cut out to fly. Some students only come to get their ratings and don't want to instruct. They move on looking for corporate pilot positions, some other pilot jobs, or get their FE and go cargo. Some graduates find better jobs instructing that pays better than DCA would pay them. If you are able to make it through the course, graduate, get hired as an instructor, make it through Standz class, and do your 800 hours instruction given, it will pay off and you will get your interview. Now as far as getting hired by Comair or one of the other DCI carriers, they will help you get your interview, but it's up to the airline, and how well you do at the interview.
Well here is my observation, out of the 15 that started with my in my private class i think less than 5 are left. Alot of people i know finish the CFI program and go elsewhere without never even interviewing with the school. Then out of the groups that interview most are hired, but no all, id say aobut 85% are hired as a flight instructor. Then you wait for 4 months or so for a standz class and some dont make it though that. Then after all this hard you become a flight instructor with the school, making very little and working many hours, and this goes on for a year or so. So if you make it though all of this what the add refers to as the entire* program then youve got a pretty good shot at the airlines. Chataqua and Comair have been hiring ever since i came and still are hiring. I mean pretty much only the best of the best make it through the whole program, so it makes since to me that most would be hired. Again this is just a personal observation. Ive seen lots of guys walk into great jobs with the delta connection carriers. Like anywhere else, this place cant get you the job, only you can do that, they get you the hours, the interview and nothing more.
I mean pretty much only the best of the best make it through the whole program,

[/ QUOTE ]

If that isn't a line of bullsh*t, I don't know what is.
I agree. It should read: only the people with the right combination of aptitude, dedication, character, and financing make it through the whole program. A bit of luck wouldn't hurt either.

I remain firmly convinced that a reasonably intelligent and adequately financed person has a strong chance of "making it." It's the ones who don't fit into these categories that have their dedication most challenged and tend to not finish for one reason or another.

In response to the original question, I was there for over two years and can think of only two people who completed their 800-hour agreement and were not hired by an airline.
sorry guys, got in a big hurry and didnt even read over what i posted. Alot does depend on luck, ive had friends who were great pilots, and are now instructing somewhere else. So sorry if i offended anyone.