hey Doug...


Well-Known Member
Hey Doug- i didn't know you were on that flight last Friday from SJC-SLC-MCI ON 2012. The gate agent (Jon) was talking to me that the F/O told him to check his website and pulls out from his pocket and sure enough it says "jetcareers.com". Friday was the last day we were going to get the MD-90's and we might see them back in a few months. I took a traning class for MD-90'S on "brake-riding" and "APU" and boy- i have never seen an aircraft that has swithches and controls located so sporadic!
Yup, that was me!

I told Jon that someone who works the ramp there is a regular on my forum, but he hadn't heard of my website previously so maybe I earned a new convert!

I was a little busy between hitting the burrito stand outside of security, getting "wanded" by the TSA, having to figure out just what the hell the FA's meant by "Emergency Red Pouch" and helping Steve (the captain) out with that whole wacky "situation" we had on arrival.

Where were you working?
I was actually working in operation that day but i wasn't there when your flight came in. Yeah.. . i heard about the incident at the gate- the gal who was working in operation just before i came had a note saying that flight 2012 had a medical emergency and needed an EMT.
Jon should be online any time...i saw him get "baptized" with jetcareers last Friday night at work. Trust me Doug your website is so popular that when i go to RHV and i tell people that i work for Delta- most people ask me "do you know a guy called Doug Taylor that flies for Delta?" Watch out Doug you will soon be walking on the red carpet in Hollywood soon man!
Geez, I thought the only person who'd know who I am at RHV was the guys at the now defunct wings over california!

I spent most of the leg talking to the captain about how we'd shoot the 30L ILS approaches, break off in bad weather and get a lightning quick SVFR clearance into RHV's airspace. But of course a little more "hectic" that leg!

Flying a jet into SJC after not having been in there for years was pretty cool! But there's that wacky departure where you have to turn downwind quickly, climb like mad, do a 180 and a cross the VORTAC at another altitude before turning towards SUNOL or whatever. Pretty freaky!
Just a humorous note on the "famous" bit.

I was talking with Lane Wallace ( West coast editor and writter for Flying Magazine) last month about people asking for her autogragh and such ( which she is very gracious about) and her comment was "yea, famous only within 6nm of an airport!"
Actually, another "famous" pilot friend of hers told her that but I thought it was funny and how true.

So Doug, can I have your autograph?