Helicopter Schools


Piece of Trash
Okay, so now my brother wants to get into the whole flight training thing, except he wants to fly helis.

Right now he is in Memphis, TN, but I don't know of any schools around there. I live in Florida, so there is no shortage of schools here. He doesn't have his college degree, so a school that offers a degree along with helicopter ratings would be ideal. Anyone have any ideas of anything like that?
I think the only real economical way to learn helis is a military option..

They are crazy expensive to rent!
I live in Memphis too. A friend of mine is also looking into heli. training. He has found several school ads in the back of Flying mag and there is a couple in AOPA's Flight Training mag too. And of course there is the internet search. He is waiting on info packets from Mazzei (sp?)Fresno, CA and I think Vortex school > Long Beach, MS

Hope this helps !

I looked pretty close at a school called Helicopter Adventures down in FL. It looked like a pretty good place but that career is even harder to break into.
All of the rotor guys I know went through Uncle Sam. If he can go into the Army guard that would probably work out best for him. That way he'll start out getting the valuable turbine time and be better suited to walk right into the few rotor jobs that are out there. Just my two cents.
I was just at HAI in Titusville today checking them out.

The place was really busy! Everyone seemed nice enough and answered my questions.

The Website is http://www.heli.com

There was a board in the classroom that had quite a few helo CFI wanted jobs as well as information about helo jobs around the world.
My flight instructor flies helos, and she is traing out of General Dewitt Spain airport. It is just northwest of KMEM. It is pretty much due north of the Pyramid. Hope that helps. That is pretty much the only helo school in this area that I know of.

Hi Guys,

Also checkout Heliflight at FXE (Fort Lauderdale Exec). When I taught there, it was top notch, and there is also training for lift, turbine and other kinds of neato helicopter stuff. The also have a very cool simulator.

The only thing is that I think the school has just changed hands, so you want to give them a call or email or the latest details. But in any event, I recommend them highly.

My flight instructor flies helos, and she is traing out of General Dewitt Spain airport. It is just northwest of KMEM. It is pretty much due north of the Pyramid. Hope that helps. That is pretty much the only helo school in this area that I know of.

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If you give me a name or number, I'll pass it along to my brother. I've flown over DeWitt Spain a couple of times on approach into Memphis Int'l.

And Dan, right now he's just spinning his wheels at my parents house trying to figure out what he wants to do with life. He's only 23, and I just decided to fly for a living when I was 27. Registered for classes at ERAU this morning, and I'm chomping at the bit to get started.
This is the only phone number I could find. It is of Memphis East Aviation which is at Dewit.(901) 353-9151 hope that helps
There are a lot of things for your brother to consider. 1. If he is serious about wanting to fly Helicopters to be competative he should consider the Military option. He can compete for a Warrant Officer Slot with no college required. He will receive the BEST training and its all turbine. 2. If the Military option is out of the question I would STRONGLY recommend he get his fixed wing rateings first then add the Helicopter rateings. It is a lot cheaper learning basic airmanship and navigation skills in a C-152 than a R-22. 3. WHY would he want a career in Helicopters, there is NO Money in it, compared to the Fixed wing side, haveing "fun" doesn't pay the bills. I've flown Helicopters and Fixed Wing both in the Military and Civilian life and I'll never look back to Helicopters. Good Luck, he will decide for himself.
WHY would he want a career in Helicopters, there is NO Money in it, compared to the Fixed wing side, haveing "fun" doesn't pay the bills. I've flown Helicopters and Fixed Wing both in the Military and Civilian life and I'll never look back to Helicopters. Good Luck, he will decide for himself.

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I honestly couldn't tell ya. I'm not sure if it's something he would stick with, but it's is THE most expensive thing I can think of. I've told him that if he is not aboslutely sure, don't do it. I wouldn't mind learning to fly one, but I would never go all the way through commercial training. Although, in order for me to take helo lessons I would want to be retired and rich.