head injury


Well-Known Member
I'm new to flying, trying to get my PPL, and am more than 3 years out from some head trauma that resulted in minor subarachnoid hemorrhage and subdural hematoma. I got better very quickly without surgery, never had any seizures, and my followup MRI and neurological exams a few months later showed complete resolution. I am not on any long term medications. I already visited my AME and all those medical records were submitted to the FAA, and they asked for another more recent neurological evaluation and brain MRI.

My question for Dr. Forred: If I go ahead and shell out the cash for this workup, and if everything is perfectly normal as expected, will the FAA likely be asking me to get another expensive evaluation every year or anything like that?

I know their is a small possibility of seizures long after injury, but this gets more and more remote the further out it's been without any. How long would it have to be for them to stop considering this as a chronic condition rather than a single acute event with no significant long-term complications or risk? I realize the only way to know for sure would be to finish the process and see what the FAA says, but before jumping in I'd like to know what you've seen during your career in similar situations. I would keep this thread updated with any developments for anyone else trying to research this.

I am otherwise young in my mid-20's and very healthy, successfully working on a (cognitively challenging) professional career path.